Hi all,
I am encountering problems when trying to apply an sld with rastersymbolizer to my coverages. It's a bit hard to really find out what is wrong, but it seems styling does not like geotiffs (or vice versa). I'll try to give a summary of what I tried and hope it rings a bell somewhere...
- Applying a style (like dem.sld, raster.sld, or a customized version of one of those) *does* work on the supplied gtopo30 sample raster;
- Applying a style (idem) on my custom coverage does *not* work; the raster gets rendered in grayscale, whatever I try. This raster is a single band, tiled, Int32 geotiff, no colortable;
- Applying a style (idem) on a geotiff version (non-tiled, uint16, 1 band, no colortable) of the gtopo30_sample (created with gdal_translate) does *not* work, neither does a baseline tiff with tfw file version;
- Applying a style to a fresh copy of the gtopo30 sample dataset (created new dir with these files, created new coverageDataset, create new Coverage) *does* work;
This is what I could think of to narrow down the problem, and leads me to the following conclusion: styling does not work for tiff files. I might be wrong and it sounds kind of illogical (why would it not work for tiffs, but work for gtopo30 rasters, while I suppose that the rendering chain is basically the same except for the file reader...), but I have no idea how to investigate this any further. So I hope some of the imaging/wcs guru's can shed some light on this (and fix it, I hope :)).
Some additional info: using sun jdk 1.5.0-09, jai and jai-imageio from cvs (synced yesterday), geotools (2.3.x branch) from svn (yesterday), geoserver svn trunk from yesterday, deployed in tomcat-5.5.
Cheers from a bit desparate Vincent (I /do/ need raster styling...).