[Geoserver-devel] Problem with on the fly projection


For both shapefiles and SDE vector data I am having a problem with on the
fly projection when using 1.6 Beta 4, running in Tomcat 5.5, XP, Java

The native format of the data is geographic, NAD83. I'm trying to project
to EPSG 2266 (state plane). In the FeatureType Editor, I enter the 2266 in
the SRS field, and from the SRS Handling pull-down menu I select 'Reproject
from native to declared SRS'. I then click on the Generate button and I
then see the min-max X-Y's correctly calculated from the data extent. I
scroll down and click on the Submit button then Apply and Save. However, in
the info.xml for that layer, the min-max values remain unchanged, they still
reflect lat-long and not state plane.

Am I missing something or is this a feature?

Thanks, Bob

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Problem-with-on-the-fly-projection-tf4720367.html#a13494668
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

I could be wrong but I believe this is the intended behavior. When you
select that srs handling option all it does it tell GeoServer to
reproject whenever outputting.. so I would exect the state plane bounds
to be what shows up in say a capabilities document... but see no reason
why info.xml should not store the native bounds.

Andrea can give you a more decisive answer.


Bob Nutsch wrote:


For both shapefiles and SDE vector data I am having a problem with on the
fly projection when using 1.6 Beta 4, running in Tomcat 5.5, XP, Java

The native format of the data is geographic, NAD83. I'm trying to project
to EPSG 2266 (state plane). In the FeatureType Editor, I enter the 2266 in
the SRS field, and from the SRS Handling pull-down menu I select 'Reproject
from native to declared SRS'. I then click on the Generate button and I
then see the min-max X-Y's correctly calculated from the data extent. I
scroll down and click on the Submit button then Apply and Save. However, in
the info.xml for that layer, the min-max values remain unchanged, they still
reflect lat-long and not state plane.

Am I missing something or is this a feature?

Thanks, Bob

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

Thanks Justin for the info.

I should have mentioned in my earlier post that after seeing the
correctly calculated extents within the GUI, then clicking Submit,
Apply, Save, when I go back to the FeatureType editor, those calculated
extents are gone, replaced by the original lat-long extents. So I don't
think that this tool is working like it should. Unless some other spec
file is storing this information for later retrieval by some other part
of GeoServer.

I did discover that I can manually edit the info.xml, restart Tomcat,
and then display my data in state plane. However, there are some
issues, since I have to zoom completely out (I'm using the built-in
openlayers from the Demo interface) to see the map, and if I zoom in at
all, the map disappears. When viewing the map, I cannot click on a
feature to get it's attributes. I can click a feature, but no attributes
are displayed. It's as if the mouse click location is not being

So, maybe I'm mis-understanding the utility of the SRS stuff in the GUI.
The 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' suggests to me that it
should project on the fly, making the image from that WMS appear in that
projection on a client. But perhaps it's something along the lines as
you suggest, not sure.

Thanks again, Bob

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Deoliveira [mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:54 PM
To: Nutsch, Bob D.
Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Problem with on the fly projection

I could be wrong but I believe this is the intended behavior.
When you select that srs handling option all it does it tell
GeoServer to reproject whenever outputting.. so I would exect
the state plane bounds to be what shows up in say a
capabilities document... but see no reason why info.xml
should not store the native bounds.

Andrea can give you a more decisive answer.


Bob Nutsch wrote:
> Hi,
> For both shapefiles and SDE vector data I am having a
problem with on
> the fly projection when using 1.6 Beta 4, running in Tomcat
5.5, XP,
> Java 1.5.0_13.
> The native format of the data is geographic, NAD83. I'm trying to
> project to EPSG 2266 (state plane). In the FeatureType Editor, I
> enter the 2266 in the SRS field, and from the SRS Handling
> menu I select 'Reproject from native to declared SRS'. I
then click
> on the Generate button and I then see the min-max X-Y's correctly
> calculated from the data extent. I scroll down and click on the
> Submit button then Apply and Save. However, in the
info.xml for that
> layer, the min-max values remain unchanged, they still
reflect lat-long and not state plane.
> Am I missing something or is this a feature?
> Thanks, Bob

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

Strange... I am not sure if i can quite understanding the issue you are
having. When I try to replicate using a shapefile just in lat long and
set the same option to reproject on the fly to a projected coordinate
system (3005) it seems to work ok.

Bob, could you perhaps do the following:

* include a couple of screen shots of the feature type editor page
* include the info.xml that gets saved out

That might help us get on the same page a bit better.



Nutsch, Bob D. wrote:

Thanks Justin for the info.

I should have mentioned in my earlier post that after seeing the
correctly calculated extents within the GUI, then clicking Submit,
Apply, Save, when I go back to the FeatureType editor, those calculated
extents are gone, replaced by the original lat-long extents. So I don't
think that this tool is working like it should. Unless some other spec
file is storing this information for later retrieval by some other part
of GeoServer.

I did discover that I can manually edit the info.xml, restart Tomcat,
and then display my data in state plane. However, there are some
issues, since I have to zoom completely out (I'm using the built-in
openlayers from the Demo interface) to see the map, and if I zoom in at
all, the map disappears. When viewing the map, I cannot click on a
feature to get it's attributes. I can click a feature, but no attributes
are displayed. It's as if the mouse click location is not being

So, maybe I'm mis-understanding the utility of the SRS stuff in the GUI.
The 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' suggests to me that it
should project on the fly, making the image from that WMS appear in that
projection on a client. But perhaps it's something along the lines as
you suggest, not sure.

Thanks again, Bob

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Deoliveira [mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:54 PM
To: Nutsch, Bob D.
Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Problem with on the fly projection

I could be wrong but I believe this is the intended behavior.
When you select that srs handling option all it does it tell
GeoServer to reproject whenever outputting.. so I would exect
the state plane bounds to be what shows up in say a
capabilities document... but see no reason why info.xml
should not store the native bounds.

Andrea can give you a more decisive answer.


Bob Nutsch wrote:


For both shapefiles and SDE vector data I am having a

problem with on

the fly projection when using 1.6 Beta 4, running in Tomcat

5.5, XP,

Java 1.5.0_13.

The native format of the data is geographic, NAD83. I'm trying to
project to EPSG 2266 (state plane). In the FeatureType Editor, I
enter the 2266 in the SRS field, and from the SRS Handling


menu I select 'Reproject from native to declared SRS'. I

then click

on the Generate button and I then see the min-max X-Y's correctly
calculated from the data extent. I scroll down and click on the
Submit button then Apply and Save. However, in the

info.xml for that

layer, the min-max values remain unchanged, they still

reflect lat-long and not state plane.

Am I missing something or is this a feature?

Thanks, Bob

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
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Geoserver-devel mailing list


Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

Hi Justin,

I uploaded a screenshot that shows the information as I had it just before
clicking the Submit-Apply-Save buttons. The info.xml is the file as it
exists after using Submit-Apply-Save.

I spent a bit of time on this and discovered:

a) when creating a *new* FeatureType, specifying an SRS of 2266 and
selecting the 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' the 2266 min-max
values are correctly stored in the info.xml
b) when editing an *existing* FeatureType and changing the SRS to something
different, those changes are *not* stored in the info.xml but yet the map
displayed via the Demo tool reflects the new projection (only if fully
zoomed out, I cannot zoom in else the map disappears). I'm really confused
now. :slight_smile:
c) I ran my tests with both shapefiles and SDE data and both behaved the
same except for the shapefile. In that scenario, when trying to display the
shapefile in stateplane using the built-in Demo tool, no map appeared in the
OpenLayers map preview even when fully zoomed out.

Thanks for the help.


http://www.nabble.com/file/p13510981/info.xml info.xml

Justin Deoliveira-4 wrote:

Strange... I am not sure if i can quite understanding the issue you are
having. When I try to replicate using a shapefile just in lat long and
set the same option to reproject on the fly to a projected coordinate
system (3005) it seems to work ok.

Bob, could you perhaps do the following:

* include a couple of screen shots of the feature type editor page
* include the info.xml that gets saved out

That might help us get on the same page a bit better.



Nutsch, Bob D. wrote:

Thanks Justin for the info.

I should have mentioned in my earlier post that after seeing the
correctly calculated extents within the GUI, then clicking Submit,
Apply, Save, when I go back to the FeatureType editor, those calculated
extents are gone, replaced by the original lat-long extents. So I don't
think that this tool is working like it should. Unless some other spec
file is storing this information for later retrieval by some other part
of GeoServer.

I did discover that I can manually edit the info.xml, restart Tomcat,
and then display my data in state plane. However, there are some
issues, since I have to zoom completely out (I'm using the built-in
openlayers from the Demo interface) to see the map, and if I zoom in at
all, the map disappears. When viewing the map, I cannot click on a
feature to get it's attributes. I can click a feature, but no attributes
are displayed. It's as if the mouse click location is not being

So, maybe I'm mis-understanding the utility of the SRS stuff in the GUI.
The 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' suggests to me that it
should project on the fly, making the image from that WMS appear in that
projection on a client. But perhaps it's something along the lines as
you suggest, not sure.

Thanks again, Bob

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Deoliveira [mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:54 PM
To: Nutsch, Bob D.
Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Problem with on the fly projection

I could be wrong but I believe this is the intended behavior.
When you select that srs handling option all it does it tell
GeoServer to reproject whenever outputting.. so I would exect
the state plane bounds to be what shows up in say a
capabilities document... but see no reason why info.xml
should not store the native bounds.

Andrea can give you a more decisive answer.


Bob Nutsch wrote:


For both shapefiles and SDE vector data I am having a

problem with on

the fly projection when using 1.6 Beta 4, running in Tomcat

5.5, XP,

Java 1.5.0_13.

The native format of the data is geographic, NAD83. I'm trying to
project to EPSG 2266 (state plane). In the FeatureType Editor, I
enter the 2266 in the SRS field, and from the SRS Handling


menu I select 'Reproject from native to declared SRS'. I

then click

on the Generate button and I then see the min-max X-Y's correctly
calculated from the data extent. I scroll down and click on the
Submit button then Apply and Save. However, in the

info.xml for that

layer, the min-max values remain unchanged, they still

reflect lat-long and not state plane.

Am I missing something or is this a feature?

Thanks, Bob

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
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Geoserver-devel mailing list


Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop.
Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
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Geoserver-devel mailing list

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Problem-with-on-the-fly-projection-tf4720367.html#a13510981
Sent from the GeoServer - Dev mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Hi Bob,

So I looked into this and I can indeed replicate it. I have created a
jira task for this issue:


Thanks for the bug report!!


Bob Nutsch wrote:

Hi Justin,

I uploaded a screenshot that shows the information as I had it just before
clicking the Submit-Apply-Save buttons. The info.xml is the file as it
exists after using Submit-Apply-Save.

I spent a bit of time on this and discovered:

a) when creating a *new* FeatureType, specifying an SRS of 2266 and
selecting the 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' the 2266 min-max
values are correctly stored in the info.xml
b) when editing an *existing* FeatureType and changing the SRS to something
different, those changes are *not* stored in the info.xml but yet the map
displayed via the Demo tool reflects the new projection (only if fully
zoomed out, I cannot zoom in else the map disappears). I'm really confused
now. :slight_smile:
c) I ran my tests with both shapefiles and SDE data and both behaved the
same except for the shapefile. In that scenario, when trying to display the
shapefile in stateplane using the built-in Demo tool, no map appeared in the
OpenLayers map preview even when fully zoomed out.

Thanks for the help.


http://www.nabble.com/file/p13510981/info.xml info.xml

Justin Deoliveira-4 wrote:

Strange... I am not sure if i can quite understanding the issue you are
having. When I try to replicate using a shapefile just in lat long and
set the same option to reproject on the fly to a projected coordinate
system (3005) it seems to work ok.

Bob, could you perhaps do the following:

* include a couple of screen shots of the feature type editor page
* include the info.xml that gets saved out

That might help us get on the same page a bit better.



Nutsch, Bob D. wrote:

Thanks Justin for the info.

I should have mentioned in my earlier post that after seeing the
correctly calculated extents within the GUI, then clicking Submit,
Apply, Save, when I go back to the FeatureType editor, those calculated
extents are gone, replaced by the original lat-long extents. So I don't
think that this tool is working like it should. Unless some other spec
file is storing this information for later retrieval by some other part
of GeoServer.

I did discover that I can manually edit the info.xml, restart Tomcat,
and then display my data in state plane. However, there are some
issues, since I have to zoom completely out (I'm using the built-in
openlayers from the Demo interface) to see the map, and if I zoom in at
all, the map disappears. When viewing the map, I cannot click on a
feature to get it's attributes. I can click a feature, but no attributes
are displayed. It's as if the mouse click location is not being

So, maybe I'm mis-understanding the utility of the SRS stuff in the GUI.
The 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' suggests to me that it
should project on the fly, making the image from that WMS appear in that
projection on a client. But perhaps it's something along the lines as
you suggest, not sure.

Thanks again, Bob

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Deoliveira [mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com]
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:54 PM
To: Nutsch, Bob D.
Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Problem with on the fly projection

I could be wrong but I believe this is the intended behavior.
When you select that srs handling option all it does it tell
GeoServer to reproject whenever outputting.. so I would exect
the state plane bounds to be what shows up in say a
capabilities document... but see no reason why info.xml
should not store the native bounds.

Andrea can give you a more decisive answer.


Bob Nutsch wrote:


For both shapefiles and SDE vector data I am having a

problem with on

the fly projection when using 1.6 Beta 4, running in Tomcat

5.5, XP,

Java 1.5.0_13.

The native format of the data is geographic, NAD83. I'm trying to
project to EPSG 2266 (state plane). In the FeatureType Editor, I
enter the 2266 in the SRS field, and from the SRS Handling


menu I select 'Reproject from native to declared SRS'. I

then click

on the Generate button and I then see the min-max X-Y's correctly
calculated from the data extent. I scroll down and click on the
Submit button then Apply and Save. However, in the

info.xml for that

layer, the min-max values remain unchanged, they still

reflect lat-long and not state plane.

Am I missing something or is this a feature?

Thanks, Bob

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
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Geoserver-devel mailing list

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop.
Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX and a browser.
Download your FREE copy of Splunk now >> http://get.splunk.com/
Geoserver-devel mailing list

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project

Thanks very much Justin!! And you're welcome on tracking down the bug.

Regards, Bob

-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Deoliveira [mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com]
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2007 9:59 AM
To: Nutsch, Bob D.
Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Problem with on the fly projection

Hi Bob,

So I looked into this and I can indeed replicate it. I have
created a jira task for this issue:


Thanks for the bug report!!


Bob Nutsch wrote:
> Hi Justin,
> I uploaded a screenshot that shows the information as I had it just
> before clicking the Submit-Apply-Save buttons. The info.xml is the
> file as it exists after using Submit-Apply-Save.
> I spent a bit of time on this and discovered:
> a) when creating a *new* FeatureType, specifying an SRS of 2266 and
> selecting the 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' the
2266 min-max
> values are correctly stored in the info.xml
> b) when editing an *existing* FeatureType and changing the SRS to
> something different, those changes are *not* stored in the info.xml
> but yet the map displayed via the Demo tool reflects the new
> projection (only if fully zoomed out, I cannot zoom in else the map
> disappears). I'm really confused now. :slight_smile:
> c) I ran my tests with both shapefiles and SDE data and
both behaved
> the same except for the shapefile. In that scenario, when
trying to
> display the shapefile in stateplane using the built-in Demo
tool, no
> map appeared in the OpenLayers map preview even when fully
zoomed out.
> Thanks for the help.
> Bob
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p13510981/srsnd.gif
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p13510981/info.xml info.xml
> Justin Deoliveira-4 wrote:
>> Strange... I am not sure if i can quite understanding the
issue you
>> are having. When I try to replicate using a shapefile just in lat
>> long and set the same option to reproject on the fly to a
>> coordinate system (3005) it seems to work ok.
>> Bob, could you perhaps do the following:
>> * include a couple of screen shots of the feature type editor page
>> * include the info.xml that gets saved out
>> That might help us get on the same page a bit better.
>> Thanks,
>> -Justin
>> Nutsch, Bob D. wrote:
>>> Thanks Justin for the info.
>>> I should have mentioned in my earlier post that after seeing the
>>> correctly calculated extents within the GUI, then
clicking Submit,
>>> Apply, Save, when I go back to the FeatureType editor, those
>>> calculated extents are gone, replaced by the original lat-long
>>> extents. So I don't think that this tool is working like
it should.
>>> Unless some other spec file is storing this information for later
>>> retrieval by some other part of GeoServer.
>>> I did discover that I can manually edit the info.xml, restart
>>> Tomcat, and then display my data in state plane.
However, there are
>>> some issues, since I have to zoom completely out (I'm using the
>>> built-in openlayers from the Demo interface) to see the
map, and if
>>> I zoom in at all, the map disappears. When viewing the map, I
>>> cannot click on a feature to get it's attributes. I can click a
>>> feature, but no attributes are displayed. It's as if the mouse
>>> click location is not being re-projected.
>>> So, maybe I'm mis-understanding the utility of the SRS
stuff in the GUI.
>>> The 'Reproject from native to declared SRS' suggests to
me that it
>>> should project on the fly, making the image from that WMS
appear in
>>> that projection on a client. But perhaps it's something
along the
>>> lines as you suggest, not sure.
>>> Thanks again, Bob
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Justin Deoliveira [mailto:jdeolive@anonymised.com]
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2007 2:54 PM
>>>> To: Nutsch, Bob D.
>>>> Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>>>> Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] Problem with on the fly projection
>>>> I could be wrong but I believe this is the intended behavior.
>>>> When you select that srs handling option all it does it tell
>>>> GeoServer to reproject whenever outputting.. so I would
exect the
>>>> state plane bounds to be what shows up in say a capabilities
>>>> document... but see no reason why info.xml should not store the
>>>> native bounds.
>>>> Andrea can give you a more decisive answer.
>>>> -Justin
>>>> Bob Nutsch wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> For both shapefiles and SDE vector data I am having a
>>>> problem with on
>>>>> the fly projection when using 1.6 Beta 4, running in Tomcat
>>>> 5.5, XP,
>>>>> Java 1.5.0_13.
>>>>> The native format of the data is geographic, NAD83.
I'm trying to
>>>>> project to EPSG 2266 (state plane). In the FeatureType
Editor, I
>>>>> enter the 2266 in the SRS field, and from the SRS Handling
>>>> pull-down
>>>>> menu I select 'Reproject from native to declared SRS'. I
>>>> then click
>>>>> on the Generate button and I then see the min-max X-Y's
>>>>> calculated from the data extent. I scroll down and
click on the
>>>>> Submit button then Apply and Save. However, in the
>>>> info.xml for that
>>>>> layer, the min-max values remain unchanged, they still
>>>> reflect lat-long and not state plane.
>>>>> Am I missing something or is this a feature?
>>>>> Thanks, Bob
>>>> --
>>>> Justin Deoliveira
>>>> The Open Planning Project
>>>> http://topp.openplans.org
>>> ----- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
>>> Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop.
>>> Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX
and a browser.
>>> Download your FREE copy of Splunk now >> http://get.splunk.com/
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Geoserver-devel mailing list
>>> Geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geoserver-devel
>> --
>> Justin Deoliveira
>> The Open Planning Project
>> http://topp.openplans.org
>> ---- This SF.net email is sponsored by: Splunk Inc.
>> Still grepping through log files to find problems? Stop.
>> Now Search log events and configuration files using AJAX
and a browser.
>> Download your FREE copy of Splunk now >> http://get.splunk.com/
>> _______________________________________________
>> Geoserver-devel mailing list
>> Geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
>> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geoserver-devel

Justin Deoliveira
The Open Planning Project