[Geoserver-devel] PSC meeting notes, May 23rd 2023

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2023-05-23Attending


   Torben Barsballe

   Jukka Rahkonen

   Andrea Aime

Actions from prior meetings:


   [DONE] Andrea to ask for a 2.23.1 release volunteer



   GS 2.23.1 release train

   CSW/JDBCConfig contentious PR

   Backporting URL checks GSIP

   Planetary CRS GSIP progress

   H2 removal, bit by bit




GS 2.23.1 release train

Ian performed the releases, thank you!

Looks like announcements are the missing bit.

Release publish jobs are failing at rysnc:

We might want to try replicate the publish script in the job and see if
that works by changing the rsync location (could ssh into the server and
try rsync manually, not clear how to provide credentials though.. the
release logs might contain some hints about usage of ssh-agent).
CSW/JDBCConfig contentious PR


Exposing CSW records of local layers against JDBCConfig is slow. Need other
PSC members concerned with GeoServer architecture to chime into the
Backporting URL checks GSIP


Landed on main. Discussion ongoing about backports to stable. Remote checks
enabled by default or not?

Torben: disabled by default, very clear message in the release notes that
they should be updating. Too many people assume patch version updates are
safe, it might make people stop updating in fear of production breakage.

Jukka: +1
Planetary CRS GSIP progress

Some changes landed in GeoTools, have a gt-iau-wkt authority: 2000 extra
codes, it’s going to be a plugin. Can configure a shapefile and a geotiff
and do map preview (that needs a GeoServer PR
<https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/6833&gt;, just getting it merged).


Also added support for authority in property file datastore, which allows
to write tests in GeoServer. Working now on capabilities document

GeoTools has no idea about the planet it’s dealing with , PROJ seems to
have extended the database:

data/sql/iau.sql:INSERT INTO ellipsoid VALUES('IAU_2015',49900,'Mars (2015)

but also:

data/sql/esri.sql:INSERT INTO celestial_body VALUES('ESRI', 'Mars', 'Mars',

Using this proj denies reprojection between different planetary bodies, for

cs2cs "IAU:49900" "EPSG:4326"

proj_create_operations: Source and target ellipsoid do not belong to the
same celestial body

From proj.db

ESRI Atlas Atlas 16000.0

ESRI Helene Helene 16000.0


So no, we cannot just compare by diameter.

Fun situation, OCG API Features mandates output in WGS84… what if your data
is for Mars!!

Example WKT2 for Jupiter and Mars:



See also Mars prime meridian:
H2 removal, bit by bit

Replacing GWC disk quota and KML superoverlay databases with HSQLDB. Enough
to have GeoServer core free of H2 dependencies.

Already used for EPSG database, works fine for non spatial database, does
not support spatial.

GWC pull request ready and GS incoming. This will also allow H2GIS to
become an official extension (will be incompatible with some other
extensions, but at least usable).

In time we hope to upgrade other parts like NetCDF, GeoFence, WPS and
importer async status storage.


About the Proj comparing if celestial bodies are same or not, this PR https://github.com/OSGeo/PROJ/pull/3550/files shows what tolerance Proj is using and gives an override with “PROJ_IGNORE_CELESTIAL_BODY environment variable”;



Lähettäjä: Andrea Aime <andrea.aime@…6887…>
Lähetetty: tiistai 23. toukokuuta 2023 20.31
Vastaanottaja: GeoServer geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Aihe: [Geoserver-devel] PSC meeting notes, May 23rd 2023

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2023-05-23### Attending- Torben Barsballe

  • Jukka Rahkonen
  • Andrea Aime

Actions from prior meetings:- [DONE] Andrea to ask for a 2.23.1 release volunteer

Agenda1. GS 2.23.1 release train

  1. CSW/JDBCConfig contentious PR
  2. Backporting URL checks GSIP
  3. Planetary CRS GSIP progress
  4. H2 removal, bit by bit

Actions- TBD

GS 2.23.1 release train

Ian performed the releases, thank you!

Looks like announcements are the missing bit.

Release publish jobs are failing at rysnc: https://sourceforge.net/p/forge/site-support/24659/

We might want to try replicate the publish script in the job and see if that works by changing the rsync location (could ssh into the server and try rsync manually, not clear how to provide credentials though… the release logs might contain some hints about usage of ssh-agent).

CSW/JDBCConfig contentious PR


Exposing CSW records of local layers against JDBCConfig is slow. Need other PSC members concerned with GeoServer architecture to chime into the discussion.

Backporting URL checks GSIP


Landed on main. Discussion ongoing about backports to stable. Remote checks enabled by default or not?

Torben: disabled by default, very clear message in the release notes that they should be updating. Too many people assume patch version updates are safe, it might make people stop updating in fear of production breakage.

Jukka: +1

Planetary CRS GSIP progress

Some changes landed in GeoTools, have a gt-iau-wkt authority: 2000 extra codes, it’s going to be a plugin. Can configure a shapefile and a geotiff and do map preview (that needs a GeoServer PR, just getting it merged).


Also added support for authority in property file datastore, which allows to write tests in GeoServer. Working now on capabilities document generation.

GeoTools has no idea about the planet it’s dealing with , PROJ seems to have extended the database:

data/sql/iau.sql:INSERT INTO ellipsoid VALUES(‘IAU_2015’,49900,‘Mars (2015) - Sphere’,NULL,‘IAU_2015’,499,3396190.000000,‘EPSG’,‘9001’,NULL,3396190.000000,0);

but also:

data/sql/esri.sql:INSERT INTO celestial_body VALUES(‘ESRI’, ‘Mars’, ‘Mars’, 3393400.0);

Using this proj denies reprojection between different planetary bodies, for example:

cs2cs “IAU:49900” “EPSG:4326”

proj_create_operations: Source and target ellipsoid do not belong to the same celestial body

From proj.db
ESRI Atlas Atlas 16000.0

ESRI Helene Helene 16000.0


So no, we cannot just compare by diameter.

Fun situation, OCG API Features mandates output in WGS84… what if your data is for Mars!!

Example WKT2 for Jupiter and Mars:



See also Mars prime meridian: https://mars.nasa.gov/gallery/atlas/PIA03207.html

H2 removal, bit by bit

Replacing GWC disk quota and KML superoverlay databases with HSQLDB. Enough to have GeoServer core free of H2 dependencies.

Already used for EPSG database, works fine for non spatial database, does not support spatial.

GWC pull request ready and GS incoming. This will also allow H2GIS to become an official extension (will be incompatible with some other extensions, but at least usable).

In time we hope to upgrade other parts like NetCDF, GeoFence, WPS and importer async status storage.