Jody Garnett wrote:
Greg Reynolds wrote:
We've been having this conversation as well about adding the Feature
interfaces to GeoAPI. Currently Chris Dillard is adding some
improvements to the GeoTools WFS-TDo you mean GeoServer? GeoServer is a completely separate project from
Geotools (although we all try to work together).
Greg misspoke. Yes, we are using GeoServer. But the improvements we are making are to the ArcSDE data store, which is part of GeoTools.
and we would like to see that code implement appopriate GeoAPI
features instead of the currect concrete class representation.Geotools currently uses an interface for Feature (not a
concrete class), its stated intention is to match GeoAPI
interfaces when they are made available.
Greg was basing his statement about concrete classes on incorrect information from me. We are happy with the Feature interface as it exists in GeoTools. My understanding from Greg is that we want the Feature interface become part of GeoAPI.
<>Could you please coordinate with Chris Dillard which interfaces
you intend to add.
After clearing up the above misunderstandings, it is my opinion that no coordination is necessary.
Chris Dillard