[Geoserver-devel] Re: [Mapbuilder-devel] Re: Chris, Gabriel: geoserver and shapefiles

Hi all,

this is to confirm that the Tasmania shapefiles Cameron sent me are
rolled up in the geoserver confUserBasic configuration, with the
following additions:

- there are also the set of CITE test data in shapefile format
- also, there are styles for tasmania and cite datasets
- and a couple of mapbuilder demos, one for each dataset.
  To access them, run ant test and browse
to /geoserver/data/mbdemos/index.html. This page will provide an access
point to both mapping demos. The tasmania one works fine with WFS
transactions, being able of adding cities and roads.

Cameron: I did a slight modification: just refactored your proxy servlet
to a jsp page, so there is no need to deploy the servlet with the
geoserver code base, just look at /geoserver/data/mbdemos/proxy.jsp.
It also adds the restriction of allowing just http based redirections,
to avoid bad people hacking the server through file:// access.

As an aside note, I had to convert the tasmania_roads shapefile since
the one you sent me seems to have an internal inconsistency, or at least
not being in the format shapefile datastore likes. The problem was that
after an insertion, the next map request produces an infinite loop
inside ShapefileReader, due to the shape type mixed. I can add a more
comprehensive explanation if needed, but the thing is that it is working

well, take a look at the demos, waiting for comments.


On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 12:23 -0500, Chris Holmes wrote:

We are planning a geoserver beta release on monday or tuesday for you.
Though be patient, it's David's first release. Hopefully all should go
well. And Gabriel said he would incorporate the shapefiles over the
weekend. Hopefully David can take some time to fill in some demo
requests for userBasic on monday, and get rid of the bc_roads shapefile.


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005, Cameron Shorter wrote:

> Chris, David,
> Have you made a decision regarding building a new geoserver release
> within the next few days?
> If you are not planning to release Geoserver with the new Shapefiles
> incorporated, then we will release Mapbuilder this weekend without a
> demo demonstrating interoperability with Geoserver.
> If you are planning to release Geoserver then we are happy to delay the
> Mapbuilder release a few days.
> Please get back to me as your decision will effect what I do this weekend.
> Chris Holmes wrote:
> >>On Fri, 2005-03-11 at 05:32 +1100, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>Yes Gabriel,
> >>>Incorporating shapefiles into geoserver over the weekend is fine.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>cool
> >>
> >>
> >>>Do you have privledges to create a Geoserver release, or do we need
> >>>Chris for that?
> >>>
> >>>
> >>Chris
> >>
> >>
> >
> >Actually Gabriel you do have the permissions to do a release. But we'll
> >hold off on you putting out a release. We'll tap David this time around.
> >David, would you be up for a 1.3 release on monday or tuesday? Call it
> >beta, or even alpha if you don't want to do any testing. It should work
> >reasonably well though. Then we can have gabriel do the refactoring
> >after it is out.
> >
> >Chris
> >
> >
> >
> >>>Gabriel Roldán wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi Cameron,
> >>>>sorry about not responding in time!
> >>>>I guess I can manage to incorporate it over the weekend, but not before
> >>>>that. That is, on saturday/sunday. Is that what you expect? If not tell
> >>>>me and let me see what can i do.
> >>>>
> >>>>best regards,
> >>>>
> >>>>Gabriel.
> >>>>
> >>>>On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 06:15 +1100, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>I have not received a response from this last email, so I'm sending
> >>>>>again in case it was buried in one of your unread email folders somewhere.
> >>>>>email message attachment ([Mapbuilder-devel] Mapbuilder release
> >>>>>0.2alpha this weekend)
> >>>>>On Thu, 2005-03-10 at 06:15 +1100, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >
> >

Gabriel Roldán wrote:

Hi all,

this is to confirm that the Tasmania shapefiles Cameron sent me are
rolled up in the geoserver confUserBasic configuration, with the
following additions:

- there are also the set of CITE test data in shapefile format
- also, there are styles for tasmania and cite datasets
- and a couple of mapbuilder demos, one for each dataset.
To access them, run ant test and browse
to /geoserver/data/mbdemos/index.html. This page will provide an access
point to both mapping demos. The tasmania one works fine with WFS
transactions, being able of adding cities and roads.

Cameron: I did a slight modification: just refactored your proxy servlet
to a jsp page, so there is no need to deploy the servlet with the
geoserver code base, just look at /geoserver/data/mbdemos/proxy.jsp.

Yes, I agree that a JSP proxy is better when deploying with geoserver.
Was the proxy you created based on the mapbuilder JSP proxy or did you write it from scratch?

It also adds the restriction of allowing just http based redirections,
to avoid bad people hacking the server through file:// access.

This sounds like a good adition.
Mike, does our proxies contain this functionality?

As an aside note, I had to convert the tasmania_roads shapefile since
the one you sent me seems to have an internal inconsistency, or at least
not being in the format shapefile datastore likes. The problem was that
after an insertion, the next map request produces an infinite loop
inside ShapefileReader, due to the shape type mixed. I can add a more
comprehensive explanation if needed, but the thing is that it is working

Ok, thanks.

well, take a look at the demos, waiting for comments.

Comments coming as soon as I can work out how to download geoserver from subversion.
