Hey all, so first I want to apologize for being opaque on the process of when releases have been cut recently, not giving people a chance to get their changes in before putting it out.
We've now got Mike aboard to help us with the mechanical process of cutting releases, so I'm hoping that we can approach a more regular process of releases. We also have more people putting small bug fixes in, and really using the stable branch, so I'm thinking it could make sense to aim for monthly releases. Something like cut the release on the first friday of the month, announce on lists on monday and on blogs, ect. on tuesday.
This would put 1.6.3 on next friday. Would that work for everyone? Watermarking is already in, and Mike's going to work on documenting it. And perhaps we'll also get raster symbolization? So any more bug fixes or smaller features that you want in aim for the middle of next week.
The other release to be done is 1.7.0-beta1. WCS 1.1.1 and WFS 1.1 Xlink are both completed, as part of OWS-5, and we'd like to cut a release. I don't think we need to aim for explicit dates for trunk releases, until we get to stability, it makes more sense to me to do releases after major new features get on, so people can try them out. But yeah, just wanted to give a heads up that we'll cut 1.7.0-beta1 this week, but there can easily be more betas for major features, but do let everyone know soon if you're hoping to get some major changes on. The two major ones on my radar are some core config improvements and perhaps multidimensional WCS.
best regards,