I’m getting loads of Unit test failures when I build from
The last commit before my PR for GSIP-113.
Going back to the commit before the CodeMirror updates builds fine
MAVEN_OPTS=“-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:PermSize=128m” mvn test -Pjdbcconfig -Prelease -T4 -B
I’ve tried two machines (Ubuntu 12.04, Ubuntu Gnome 14.04), both Oracle and OpenJDK,and I’ve wiped my maven repo and downloaded everything fresh, upped the Perm space, and I still get the same failures and errors.
Does anyone have any idea what’s going on? It’s making it hard to check that my fix for the failure I introduced in GSIP-113 is working.
These are the tests failing for me in the WMS UI and Demoes modules. The other web UI modules have similar errors.
Results :
Failed tests: testStyleNewPage(org.geoserver.wms.web.admin.AdminPrivilegesTest): expected: but was:
Tests in error:
testNewStyleNoSLD(org.geoserver.wms.web.data.StyleNewPageTest): path: ‘form’ does not exist for page: BrowserInfoPage
testLoad(org.geoserver.wms.web.data.StyleNewPageTest): path: ‘form:SLD:editorContainer:editor’ does not exist for page: StyleNewPage
testNewStyle(org.geoserver.wms.web.data.StyleNewPageTest): Unable to set value. Couldn’t find component with name: SLD:editorContainer:editor
Tests run: 22, Failures: 1, Errors: 5, Skipped: 0
Results :
Tests in error:
testStructure(org.geoserver.web.demo.DemoRequestsPageTest): path: ‘demoRequestsForm:body:editorContainer:editor’ does not exist for page: DemoRequestsPage
Tests run: 19, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 1
Kevin Smith
Junior Software Engineer | Boundless