As outlined last week I fixed the FeatureSource.getFeatures( Query ) method to:
a) be consistent in terms of error handling when Query.getTypeName != FeatureSource.getSchema().getTypeName()
b) Query.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()
c) Query.getCoordinateReferenceSystemReproject()
I have verified that GeoServer trunk works and the code is committed; please send hate mail my way (in case cite breaks).
Next stop udig-devel ...
What do you mean by it works? I don't see any commits to GeoServer which
means that there is now unneccessary wrapping of feature collections
going on? Oh well, with our current level of datastore quality i
wouldn't feel great about removing them anyways.
Jody Garnett wrote:
Hi Andrea:
As outlined last week I fixed the FeatureSource.getFeatures( Query )
method to:
a) be consistent in terms of error handling when Query.getTypeName !=
b) Query.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()
c) Query.getCoordinateReferenceSystemReproject()
I have verified that GeoServer trunk works and the code is committed;
please send hate mail my way (in case cite breaks).
Next stop udig-devel ...
I mean I can run GeoServer and all the demos work ... since GeoServer does not make use of the Query parameters
then it will not encounter any change (this was not the case for Rendering - it uses "force" CRS but does its own reprojection)
What do you mean by it works? I don't see any commits to GeoServer which
means that there is now unneccessary wrapping of feature collections
going on? Oh well, with our current level of datastore quality i
wouldn't feel great about removing them anyways.
Jody Garnett wrote:
Hi Andrea:
As outlined last week I fixed the FeatureSource.getFeatures( Query ) method to:
a) be consistent in terms of error handling when Query.getTypeName != FeatureSource.getSchema().getTypeName()
b) Query.getCoordinateReferenceSystem()
c) Query.getCoordinateReferenceSystemReproject()
I have verified that GeoServer trunk works and the code is committed; please send hate mail my way (in case cite breaks).
Next stop udig-devel ...
I mean I can run GeoServer and all the demos work ... since GeoServer does not make use of the Query parameters
then it will not encounter any change (this was not the case for Rendering - it uses "force" CRS but does its own reprojection)
Even for rendering Geoserver does its own forcing before
passing the FeatureSource to the streaming renderer.
No wonder we don't see any change.
Well, having it work means the changes did not break the code
path we do follow, to make sure it works we would have to
remove all the wrappings around GT2 feature sources.
Btw, Jody, what happens if I ask for a feature collection
with reprojection, and I do modify it? Does it work, that is,
does it "back project" geometries before writing them?
What about CRS forcing? I'm not sure on this one, kind of rememeber
CRS information could be stored both in the geometry attribute
type and in a user field in the geometry, but I'm not sure about the latter.