Hey all,
I’ve written two new extensions and would like to add them as community modules. Is there somebody who could approve (or reject) these?
gwc-vendor: This is an extension to the GeoWebCache integration to always pass through supported WMS vendor parameters (currently supports “env” and “styles”). This is handy when the requested SLD (“styles”) and values for SLD variable substitution (“env”) are variable, but still need to be cache.
Currently I am using this for a layer in which specific features need to be highlighted (i.e., “styles=highlight&env=featureToHighlight:myFeature”). This is similar to the second technique described at http://trac.osgeo.org/openlayers/wiki/Highlighting. While this generates a large number of tiles, I still need the generated tiles to be cached. I imagine others will have similar use cases.
centroid: This extension adds a new WFS GetFeature output format, “json-centroid”. Instead of returning full geometry data, json-centroid only returns the center point of each feature. This prevents large and complex geometries from being returned when they are not needed.
As an example, I have an OpenLayers map that makes GetFeature requests when the user clicks on the map. This extension ensures that the response is not overly large. It also has the advantage of not requiring simplified geometry to be precalculated.
I’d be happy to answer any further questions. Thanks.
Rohan Singh