[Geoserver-devel] Unable to interact at any level with FROGs or WPSINT


I have been working to get the GeoServer community to actually evaulate and take part in your framework efrort. The time is good for two reasons:
a) GeoServer 1.4.x is actually setting up a framework (based on Spring wiring) with target completion date June 15th.
b) Your license would allow this framework to be used with wider range of situations

I am working closely with TOPPs RnD guy Justin, and have tried to ask him to look at your code base (something I did back in Feb). However we *cannot* download your code - the following links infinitely redirect.
- http://wpsint.tigris.org/files/documents/3485/29984/AAFC-NLWIS-Framework-Source.zip
- http://wpsint.tigris.org/files/documents/3485/29985/Framework_v2.doc

Your subversion repositories are also empty, and although I have requested membership I have not been able to produce an issue in your bug tracker to tell you this.

My apologies for coming at this out of the blue, I have been keeping track of both projects and was under the impression that initial communication had been set up at the developer level. We are going to have to catch up here a bit as this window of opportunity is short lived.

In code and kindness,