Dear Lists.
First of all, sorry for cross posting.
We did some work in upgrading the NetCDF version to 5.5.3 in both GT and GS.
As we have seen already in some past upgrade attempts, the GRIB related upgrade introduced some incompatibilities with the previous version. Basically, the GRIB variable name and dimension mapping was “improved”, in a way that is not compatible with the previous outputs, and that cannot be reverted to it. This mainly affects already published layers, as the “native name” we store in GeoServer won’t match with the names found in the GRIB file, as processed by the new NetCDF library. The GRIB upgrade also affected the way the temporal domain is being interpreted, resulting in changing the temporal component of the exposed parameter name as well as the actual values of the time ranges.
See all the details reported on
Despite the map redefinitions we attempted during the investigations and the communications we had with the Unidata community, it turned out that the GRIB backwards is basically impossible to achieve.
At the same time, the NetCDF 4.x series is completely dead, while the 5.x series is packing up significant improvements: we are left with the only way to go, forwards.
I have also added notes to the GeoServer documentation with all the details for the GRIB related migration process, for both single layers and mosaics, in case they do not properly work after the upgrade:
As a breaking change, there is no intention of backporting the changes to the stable series, the user base will see these changes in September.
Daniele Romagnoli
GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
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Daniele Romagnoli
Senior Software Engineer
GeoSolutions Group
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
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