Hi Gerhard,
my name is Simone Giannecchini, my colleague Alessio Fabiani and I
are the guys who developed the WCS prototype you evaluated. You are
right, the WCS included in geoserver is still a prototype, its role
was to show that it was possible to leverage GeoTools/GeoServer in
order to quickly build new OGC architectures (we developed it in 3
months without having ever worked before with them!) therefore it is
far from being efficient, but good news is that you showed up at the
right moment since the GeoTool/GeoServer community is carrying out a
lot of research work on how to build a good 5D (x,y,z,t,parameter) WCS
leveraging the past experience with this prototype and others. Since
GeoServer is built over GeoTools the right places to talk about a new
WCS is both GeoTools and GeoServer.
Quite a lot of discussion has been already done and some tasks have
already been assigned during an IRC meeting we had on purpose in order
to decide how to proceed to support 5D coverages. If you take a look
at the following pointers you will see that there are other people
interested in the WCS, therefore if your organization is willing to
volunteer for it we all could coordinate our efforts in order to be
more efficient!
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOS/Home (just for a start...)
I think that in one or two weeks we will have a new IRC meeting on
these topic to check out our progresses, but if you need some more
advice or if you have any suggestions feel free to fire a new email.
Something we could start talking about right away would be first of
all your real needs and right after coverages in DB since that is
something that, I think, nobody is currently evaluating and I would be
more than glad to share some thoughts about it since I did some simple
experiments myself some time ago.
I hope this helped, I am looking forward to hear from you.
On 8/18/05, Dünnebeil Gerhard <Gerhard.Duennebeil@anonymised.com> wrote:
At the moment the WCS support is somewhat experimental. We have need of much more functionality (e.g. storage of Coverages in a DB, support of time series, ...).
We also have some ideas what to do and how to contribute. Is this the right place to discuss things?
Or what is the right way to get involved in ongoing discussions and plans?
Best regards
Gerhard Dünnebeil
Tel: 050550 - 3173
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