as you may have seen I have been playing with logging
issues today. Many of them were related to in-classpath
resource access and bad path construction approaches,
but I fixed these.... yet, under our standard binary
distribution, using Jetty, the logging configuration
does not work at all...
I investigated with sources, debugger and curses and
in the end I found out why. The reason is that:
a) our logging setup is convoluted
b) there are people out there actively trying to cripple
any application using commons logging or log4j
Our logging setup is convoluted because we do log
with the java api, have it go thru a commons logging
handler and finally end in log4j. And our logging level
configuration is really in log4j.
Well, turns out that Jetty ships with this little
jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0.1.jar library. The point of this
library is to sit in the classpath and be a 1:1
replacement of commons logging that will redirect
it to slf4j instead.
So what happens when geoserver runs is that we do
log with java logging, go thru the sl4j commons
logging replacement, and never hit log4j.
So all our nice configurations do not work at all.
Now, our binary distribution I can fix but removing
that jar and adding back commons logging and log4j,
but reality is, whoever tries to deploy GeoServer
in Jetty or another container that uses the above
classloading trick will end up without logging
At the moment a solution may be to have not a
CommonLogger, but a Log4jLogger, that is, make it
so whatever log statement we do goes directly
into log4j so that the above jar won't cripple
our logging setup.
Ideally the Geotools library should allow for
both setups, both the fall back on commons logging
and the one on log4j, thought since commons logging
was there to allow a chioce between java logging
and log4j, we could probably go and code a
Log4JLogger only.
Ideas, opinions?