[Geoserver-devel] windows build server

on the first day of christmas i noticed that this url https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/developer/installer/index.html contains the following content

At the time the GeoServer project does not have financial resources and man power to stand up a Windows build server (if you can help with this, please contact the developer list)

if this is no longer true please disregard

if build server still required

  • i happen to know that as an open source project the geoserver project can run unlimited builds in azure devops. so can anyone else who clones the repo in a public azure devops project
  • after investigating the geoserver github actions i saw nothing incompatible with triggering builds in azure devops in collaboration with specific github actions
  • the primary showstopper risk seems to revolve around headless installation of nsis itself and its dependencies on azure build servers as per
  • extract the .DLL files (AccessControl.dll) and copy it to the NSIS plugins directory usually C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\x86-ansi

if build server still required and mitigations exist for installing nsis and dependencies on cloud build agents, i offer to

  • evaluate the full build process for the windows geoserver
  • deliver a proof of concept of a suitable pipeline that runs in azure devops

please advice

That is interesting; my employer GeoCat has setup Jenkins on an azure build server. So we should update that page.

(We do still lack a macOS build server.)


Jody Garnett

Here is a PR with a clarification: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/7330

Please review.


Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

< (We do still lack a macOS build server.)

i skimmed the docs but the only real mention of macos was here

the product of mac_installer.sh is a .dmg as per

upload dmg to final location

upload_installer $tag geoserver-$tag.dmg


  • no signing of the distribution with an apple developer certificate → if signing required details are required on how this is currently accomplished
  • mac_installer.sh is the workflow entrypoint for building a macos distribution
  • no macos build server required

if the above assumptions are true builds can be accomplished at will in azure devops as follows

  • ensure an organization in azure devops

  • ensure a public project to host the build, ensuring open source sla which is unlimited builds

  • create a pipeline that can clone the required assets from github

  • ensure a linux build agent

  • add a script task to the pipeline initialized to the location required by mac_installer.sh

  • ensure pipeline auth to the upload location

  • ensure pipeline artifact versioning

  • ensure permissions and pipeline triggers

if no personpower is available to accomplish these tasks certainly i can make those things happen

these are some pipelines i currently operate in azure devops - the target environment is kubernetes, the artifacts are npm and nuget packages and python whatevers and docker images, with an expectation that the customer may want to operate a geoserver instance in the cluster, hence my interest

on the matter of task ‘ownership’ i would suggest that if there is a corporate entity associated with producing geoserver builds, that entity should own the azure devops organization to accrue the benefits of the open source azure devops sla, and delegate permissions to whoever is going to accomplish the above tasks



From: Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@…403…>
Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2023 2:26 AM
To: sechelé delaruse <sechele@…8154…>
Cc: geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net geoserver-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-devel] windows build server

That is interesting; my employer GeoCat has setup Jenkins on an azure build server. So we should update that page.

(We do still lack a macOS build server.)

Jody Garnett

On Dec 23, 2023 at 7:46:34 PM, sechelé delaruse <sechele@…8154…> wrote:

on the first day of christmas i noticed that this url https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/developer/installer/index.html contains the following content

At the time the GeoServer project does not have financial resources and man power to stand up a Windows build server (if you can help with this, please contact the developer list)

if this is no longer true please disregard

if build server still required

  • i happen to know that as an open source project the geoserver project can run unlimited builds in azure devops. so can anyone else who clones the repo in a public azure devops project
  • after investigating the geoserver github actions i saw nothing incompatible with triggering builds in azure devops in collaboration with specific github actions
  • the primary showstopper risk seems to revolve around headless installation of nsis itself and its dependencies on azure build servers as per
  • extract the .DLL files (AccessControl.dll) and copy it to the NSIS plugins directory usually C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\x86-ansi

if build server still required and mitigations exist for installing nsis and dependencies on cloud build agents, i offer to

  • evaluate the full build process for the windows geoserver
  • deliver a proof of concept of a suitable pipeline that runs in azure devops

please advice

Geoserver-devel mailing list

My employer GeoCat is hosing some azure build services (which is how we have windows build downloads presently).

Can azure supplier a macOS build environment?


Jody Garnett