GeoServer/GeoTools PMC Meeting - 2025-01-14

GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2025-01-14


  • Torben Barsballe
  • Peter Smythe
  • Jukka Rahkonnen
  • Jody Garnett
  • Gabriel Roldan
  • Andrea Aime
  • Kevin Smith

Actions from prior meetings:

  • [DONE] Jody: Request a builds mailing list from OSGeo


  • happy new year
  • GS3 push
  • CITE Updates
  • Security round up
  • PR / Bug round up


  • action: Jody to “2025 blog post” to the user forum? LinkedIn / Facebook / mastodon and highlight GS3 as a priority (please).
  • action: Jody to follow up with SAC to see if he can help / hinder

Happy new year

blog post: GeoServer 2025 Roadmap

GS3 push

The gauge shows 80% of funding target - which is great progress.

We need a bit of a push to reach the goal; ideally to start work in Q2.

  • Please help promote this activity?
  • action: Jody to “2025 blog post” to the user forum? LinkedIn / Facebook / mastodon and highlight GS3 as a priority (please).
  • Could the PSC also pitch in for this activity? We have some prior sponsorship (from cite certification for example?). Consider and make a motion, but it is likely a small amount.

CITE Updates

Update from Andrea:

  • During Xmas Break modified tests to run again latest “production” tests required for actual certification).
    (this takes over from the geoserver fork from 6 years ago)
  • Had to make small changes to GeoServer but not much

Adding github workflows for additional tests:

  • restored: WMS1.3, WMS 1.1,…
  • new: WFS20
  • research: Looking at how to certify for output formats GeoTIFF

This is already being a big benefit for the project, super helpful for any changes to the dispatcher (for example recent fixes for WCS version negotiation).


  • WMTS 1.0 tests are pretty much working, needs PR to reviewed
    (has problems with REST test, but the GUI runs more tests, ticket reported)

  • WFS 1.1 workflow is running on old engine, cannot run on the new one due to bug. Andrea reported the problem. Test passes using GUI but not REST API. #109

    • The TEAM Engine “team” is working on team engine 6, and is unlikely to fix this soon.
    • CITE · GitHub
    • to get certified we use the GUI so we will be “okay”, but we like the REST API for blackbox testing
  • WCS2.0: passing, but also has some problems found with the specifications (namespaces inconsistency between text and schemas - reported as #145)

    • expect this to stay “stuck” for a bit while OGC thinks about it
  • GeoPackage 1.2 should be possible using the same approach as GeoTIFF (testing the output)

Actually getting the certification sticker / reference implementation:

  • Peter: OSGeo is willing to host a VM in mid January…
  • Discussion about how to run them 1 by one 1 would take some time?
    • Idea: Maybe it is worth making a test harness to run the GUI, Selenium for example. Even if we just run them a couple times a year …
  • action: Jody to follow up with SAC to see if he can help / hinder

Security round up

Peter: Observes people are running older versions, how to help / respond …

  • not a surprise, often it takes organization change control policies
    • We try and be careful on backwards compatibility
  • but it is VERY important, and we cannot support older versions

Sample response:

GeoServer 2.21.4 is not supported presently, can you re-test in a supported version? GeoServer provides fixes for a year as outlined in our security policy, please see recent blog post FAQ.

CSP headers

  • Steve asks if that can be on by default?
    • Jody says “yes” for 2.27.0 release, with an env variable to disable, and documented in an update page (for backwards compatibility).

When did geoserver stop trusting the geoserver admin?

  • Not sure, but we get a lot of bug reports with that assumption …
    • Perhaps if you provide access to “geoserver” but not the “machine” …
    • We try and address that in our docs and it can change in the codebase over time
      • jody: would like to show “environmental variable” in the GUI when GeoServer admin is “locked out”. See recent example of layer service defaults …

PR / Bug round up

GWC azure job credentials are not working

  • gabe provided something, but it is out of budget …
  • gabe can restore when budget / permissions available

WMTS CITE compliance fixes

  • gabe reviewed but did not have much to add
  • It is about returning the wrong exception
    (if you do not have locator, then returning locator = null is not appropriate)


  • release data directory is not doing what I expect when I make a new layer, the default gridsets are from MapML and do not match the other layers (900913 and 4326).
    Is this a worth a bug report? Jody to double check with a fresh nightly build and report if needed.

We are getting a number of PRs stacking up:

  • we no longer have monthly bug stomps :stuck_out_tongue:
  • time is the most precious resource, please help if available!