GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2025-01-14
- Torben Barsballe
- Peter Smythe
- Jukka Rahkonnen
- Jody Garnett
- Gabriel Roldan
- Andrea Aime
- Kevin Smith
Actions from prior meetings:
- [DONE] Jody: Request a builds mailing list from OSGeo
- happy new year
- GS3 push
- CITE Updates
- Security round up
- PR / Bug round up
- action: Jody to “2025 blog post” to the user forum? LinkedIn / Facebook / mastodon and highlight GS3 as a priority (please).
- action: Jody to follow up with SAC to see if he can help / hinder
Happy new year
blog post: GeoServer 2025 Roadmap
GS3 push
The gauge shows 80% of funding target - which is great progress.
We need a bit of a push to reach the goal; ideally to start work in Q2.
- Please help promote this activity?
- action: Jody to “2025 blog post” to the user forum? LinkedIn / Facebook / mastodon and highlight GS3 as a priority (please).
- Could the PSC also pitch in for this activity? We have some prior sponsorship (from cite certification for example?). Consider and make a motion, but it is likely a small amount.
CITE Updates
Update from Andrea:
- During Xmas Break modified tests to run again latest “production” tests required for actual certification).
(this takes over from the geoserver fork from 6 years ago) - Had to make small changes to GeoServer but not much
Adding github workflows for additional tests:
- restored: WMS1.3, WMS 1.1,…
- new: WFS20
- research: Looking at how to certify for output formats GeoTIFF
This is already being a big benefit for the project, super helpful for any changes to the dispatcher (for example recent fixes for WCS version negotiation).
WMTS 1.0 tests are pretty much working, needs PR to reviewed
(has problems with REST test, but the GUI runs more tests, ticket reported) -
WFS 1.1 workflow is running on old engine, cannot run on the new one due to bug. Andrea reported the problem. Test passes using GUI but not REST API. #109
- The TEAM Engine “team” is working on team engine 6, and is unlikely to fix this soon.
- CITE · GitHub
- to get certified we use the GUI so we will be “okay”, but we like the REST API for blackbox testing
WCS2.0: passing, but also has some problems found with the specifications (namespaces inconsistency between text and schemas - reported as #145)
- expect this to stay “stuck” for a bit while OGC thinks about it
GeoPackage 1.2 should be possible using the same approach as GeoTIFF (testing the output)
Actually getting the certification sticker / reference implementation:
- Peter: OSGeo is willing to host a VM in mid January…
- #3322 (Request for VM to certify GeoServer) – OSGeo
- Host Docker + GeoServer + PostGIS + enable the different tests
- RnD: We need a script or something to “reset” the database tables after WFS-T transaction
- Discussion about how to run them 1 by one 1 would take some time?
- Idea: Maybe it is worth making a test harness to run the GUI, Selenium for example. Even if we just run them a couple times a year …
- action: Jody to follow up with SAC to see if he can help / hinder
Security round up
Peter: Observes people are running older versions, how to help / respond …
- not a surprise, often it takes organization change control policies
- We try and be careful on backwards compatibility
- but it is VERY important, and we cannot support older versions
Sample response:
GeoServer 2.21.4 is not supported presently, can you re-test in a supported version? GeoServer provides fixes for a year as outlined in our security policy, please see recent blog post FAQ.
CSP headers
- Steve asks if that can be on by default?
- Jody says “yes” for 2.27.0 release, with an env variable to disable, and documented in an update page (for backwards compatibility).
When did geoserver stop trusting the geoserver admin?
- Not sure, but we get a lot of bug reports with that assumption …
- Perhaps if you provide access to “geoserver” but not the “machine” …
- We try and address that in our docs and it can change in the codebase over time
- jody: would like to show “environmental variable” in the GUI when GeoServer admin is “locked out”. See recent example of layer service defaults …
PR / Bug round up
GWC azure job credentials are not working
- gabe provided something, but it is out of budget …
- gabe can restore when budget / permissions available
WMTS CITE compliance fixes
- gabe reviewed but did not have much to add
- It is about returning the wrong exception
(if you do not have locator, then returning locator = null is not appropriate)
- release data directory is not doing what I expect when I make a new layer, the default gridsets are from MapML and do not match the other layers (900913 and 4326).
Is this a worth a bug report? Jody to double check with a fresh nightly build and report if needed.
We are getting a number of PRs stacking up:
- we no longer have monthly bug stomps
- time is the most precious resource, please help if available!