[Geoserver-users] Enable multipage printing in geoserver 2.7

Hey list,

I’m having problems configuring the config.yaml file in order to enable multipage printing. When printing a map with a huge amount of layers, the legends column gets messed up. While searching the web I’ve found this article from GeoSolutions:

I tried the options dontBreakItems, overflow but get the error message „LegendsBlock: unknown field“.
Since we are using GeoServer 2.7, I assume, that those options should be included.

Am I wrong and if so, is there another solution?

Thanks in advance,

It’s hard to tell without your config files and example request, but for complex prints I would install mapfish 3 as a standalone service and make use of Jasper Reports to design your templates. It is vastly superior to mapfish 2.



On 15 June 2017 at 15:12, John, Steffen <s.john@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hey list,

I’m having problems configuring the config.yaml file in order to enable multipage printing. When printing a map with a huge amount of layers, the legends column gets messed up. While searching the web I’ve found this article from GeoSolutions:

I tried the options dontBreakItems, overflow but get the error message „LegendsBlock: unknown field“.
Since we are using GeoServer 2.7, I assume, that those options should be included.

Am I wrong and if so, is there another solution?

Thanks in advance,

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Ian Turton