[Geoserver-users] Error: "The specified dimensional parameter is non-positive"

Hello everyone!
I’ve posted a question more than a month ago on stack exchange and since I didn’t get any replies and since this question is still relevant, I thought I would try boosting its visibility here!
Basically, I get this error in geoserver logs: “The specified dimensional parameter is non-positive” when the wms_scale_denominator in the SLD is different from 1. The error causes the layer not to display at all. If the wms_scale_denominator for the requested zoom layer is 1 or if I try to display the layer with the default raster style, it works fine.
If you have any clue of what could be wrong or what the error “The specified dimensional parameter is non-positive” means in my case, please feel free to reply here or on stack exchange !
Any help would be greatly appreciated,


Julien Robitaille
Scientifique de données
Data scientist

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Thanks Julien,

I am not sure what to make of stackexcahnge given their recent AI deals. But we do respect that it is easier for people to quickly ask a question without signing up to an email list. We are in the process of moving the user list to Discourse and will announce the change when we have good instructions ready.

For specific error messages I usually:

  1. Ask for the stack trace in the logs if there is one - this helps find where the error occurred. So we can try and guess what it was doing …

  2. Or searching in the codebase for that phrase: And I found it in the low level “image processing library”!!

    So somehow it has calculated a negative row/column reference when trying to look up a data value in a raster (or a pixel value in an image).


Q: What kind of data are you working with? And if you have a stack trace in your logs we may be able to learn more.

Jody Garnett

Julien Robitaille
Scientifique de données
Data scientist

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Well, after a lot of digging today and yesterday, I finally figured out what probably was the problem. The datatype was float32 and not float64. I don’t really understand why this is a problem, but I’ve read another issue online that mentioned float32 could cause some problems while rendering geotiffs.
Anyway, I’ve tried using float64 and everything seemed to be working :sweat_smile: .
Thanks for the help,


Q: What kind of data are you working with? And if you have a stack trace in your logs we may be able to learn more.

Jody Garnett

Julien Robitaille
Scientifique de données
Data scientist

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Julien Robitaille
Scientifique de données
Data scientist

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Wow - that sounds very frustrating to troubleshoot.

Can you please add that the documentation as a tip or something? It would be a great kindness to the next person…
Click the “edit” button on the appropriate page; and let me know if you need any help.

We really need to get in the swing of asking our community to help out a bit more - so I am asking…


Jody Garnett

Q: What kind of data are you working with? And if you have a stack trace in your logs we may be able to learn more.

Jody Garnett

Julien Robitaille
Scientifique de données
Data scientist

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Julien Robitaille
Scientifique de données
Data scientist

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