[Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.21 - Geoserver Layer Preview downloads a WMS file instead of showing preview in OpenLayers

Dear Users,

I am currently using Kubernetes with the repository: docker.io/kartoza/geoserver. Geoserver 2.21 which is running on Ubuntu 20-04. Recently I have noticed that when trying to perform a Layer preview, instead of getting a map, I get a WMS file that contains the following:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


I noticed that this first started happening after the ADMIN account seemed to not have the ability to do anything in the UI. Not sure why this happened but after updating the roles and users xml files and getting it to work again , the problem with the Layer previews started occurring. Interestingly enough, there was also a problem with a couple of modules that suddenly became unavailable, so I am wondering if these events are linked:-

Graphical user interface, application, table, Excel Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application, table, Excel Description automatically generated

I did notice this in the Catalina log file:-

20-Dec-2022 11:54:05.622 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-119] org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.

20-Dec-2022 11:54:06.181 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-119] it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.turbojpeg.TurboJpegUtilities.loadTurboJpeg Failed to load the TurboJpeg native libs. This is not a problem, but the TurboJpeg encoder won’t be available: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /opt/libjpeg-turbo/lib64/libturbojpeg.so.0.2.0 already loaded in another classloader

20-Dec-2022 11:54:06.204 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-119] it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities.loadGDAL Failed to load the GDAL native libs. This is not a problem unless you need to use the GDAL plugins: they won’t be enabled.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ‘void org.gdal.gdal.gdalJNI.AllRegister()’

Just wondered if anyone had come across something similar ?

Many Thanks

Fitzroy McCaulsky

The null pointer exception is a short hand for “information is missing” (but does not provided any clue as what information was missing).

The exception should of produced a stack trace in your logs (indicating where in the source code it was trying to access information; giving us a clue what it was trying to do). Can you look for a stack trace in your logs please?

There is also an global setting for verbose error messages (not to be used in production systems) to include stack traces in the exception report that is generated - which is useful for troubleshooting.


Jody Garnett

Hi Jody,

Thanks for your response. The output I provided was restricted because of the size of the email so I had to be brief.

The information I obtained after the “null pointer exception” was:-

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.getDefaultStyle(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:949)

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.processLayersStyles(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:571)

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.read(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:400)

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.read(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:100)

at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.parseRequestKVP(Dispatcher.java:1511)

at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.dispatch(Dispatcher.java:684)

at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.handleRequestInternal(Dispatcher.java:261)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequest(AbstractController.java:177)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.java:52)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:1043)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(DispatcherServlet.java:943)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:1006)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(FrameworkServlet.java:898)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:655)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(FrameworkServlet.java:883)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:764)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:227)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:53)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter.handleNonCORS(CorsFilter.java:357)

at org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter.doFilter(CorsFilter.java:176)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.ThreadLocalsCleanupFilter.doFilter(ThreadLocalsCleanupFilter.java:28)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:73)

at org.geoserver.ows.HTTPHeadersCollector.doFilter(HTTPHeadersCollector.java:48)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.filters.LoggingFilter.doFilter(LoggingFilter.java:167)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.monitor.MonitorFilter.doFilter(MonitorFilter.java:144)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.flow.controller.IpBlacklistFilter.doFilter(IpBlacklistFilter.java:89)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:43)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.platform.AdvancedDispatchFilter.doFilter(AdvancedDispatchFilter.java:39)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:320)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor.invoke(FilterSecurityInterceptor.java:127)

at org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor.doFilter(FilterSecurityInterceptor.java:91)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter.java:119)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerAnonymousAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(GeoServerAnonymousAuthenticationFilter.java:53)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.www.BasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilterInternal(BasicAuthenticationFilter.java:158)

at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerBasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(GeoServerBasicAuthenticationFilter.java:81)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.java:105)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1.doFilter(GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter.java:52)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilterInternal(FilterChainProxy.java:215)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:178)

at org.geoserver.security.GeoServerSecurityFilterChainProxy.doFilter(GeoServerSecurityFilterChainProxy.java:142)

at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:358)

at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:271)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.XFrameOptionsFilter.doFilter(XFrameOptionsFilter.java:77)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.GZIPFilter.doFilter(GZIPFilter.java:54)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.SessionDebugFilter.doFilter(SessionDebugFilter.java:49)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.FlushSafeFilter.doFilter(FlushSafeFilter.java:42)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal(CharacterEncodingFilter.java:201)

at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:197)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:97)

at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:541)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:135)

at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:92)

at org.apache.catalina.valves.AbstractAccessLogValve.invoke(AbstractAccessLogValve.java:687)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:78)

at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:360)

at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:399)

at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:65)

at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:890)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1787)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:49)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1191)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:659)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61)

at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)

The TRACE output I get is:-

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 045 10:45:48 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:48 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 1ms for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:53 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:53 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 825us for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:58 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:58 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 337us for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:59 DEBUG [geoserver.wps] - Removing statuses matching [[[ NOT [ completionTime IS NULL ] ] AND [ completionTime Before 2022-12-29T10:40Z ]] AND [[ NOT [ lastUpdated IS NULL ] ] AND [ lastUpdated Before 2022-12-29T10:40Z ]]]

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: filter=false’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: filter=false with /web/**

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 got the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 releasing the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10&filter=false’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10&filter=false with /web/**

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 046 10:46:03 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 046 10:46:03 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 875us for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10-1.IFormSubmitListener-form&filter=false’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10-1.IFormSubmitListener-form&filter=false with /web/**

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 got the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 releasing the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: lines=1000’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: lines=1000 with /web/**

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496494 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496494 got the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset






From: Jody Garnett jody.garnett@anonymised.com
Date: Saturday, 24 December 2022 at 09:13
To: McCaulsky, Fitzroy Fitzroy.McCaulsky@anonymised.com
Cc: geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net geoserver-users@anonymised.comsourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.21 - Geoserver Layer Preview downloads a WMS file instead of showing preview in OpenLayers

The null pointer exception is a short hand for “information is missing” (but does not provided any clue as what information was missing).

The exception should of produced a stack trace in your logs (indicating where in the source code it was trying to access information; giving us a clue what it was trying to do). Can you look for a stack trace in your logs please?

There is also an global setting for verbose error messages (not to be used in production systems) to include stack traces in the exception report that is generated - which is useful for troubleshooting.

Jody Garnett

On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 1:06 AM McCaulsky, Fitzroy <Fitzroy.McCaulsky@anonymised.com> wrote:

Dear Users,

I am currently using Kubernetes with the repository: docker.io/kartoza/geoserver. Geoserver 2.21 which is running on Ubuntu 20-04. Recently I have noticed that when trying to perform a Layer preview, instead of getting a map, I get a WMS file that contains the following:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


I noticed that this first started happening after the ADMIN account seemed to not have the ability to do anything in the UI. Not sure why this happened but after updating the roles and users xml files and getting it to work again , the problem with the Layer previews started occurring. Interestingly enough, there was also a problem with a couple of modules that suddenly became unavailable, so I am wondering if these events are linked:-

Graphical user interface, application, table, Excel Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application, table, Excel Description automatically generated

I did notice this in the Catalina log file:-

20-Dec-2022 11:54:05.622 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-119] org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.

20-Dec-2022 11:54:06.181 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-119] it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.turbojpeg.TurboJpegUtilities.loadTurboJpeg Failed to load the TurboJpeg native libs. This is not a problem, but the TurboJpeg encoder won’t be available: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /opt/libjpeg-turbo/lib64/libturbojpeg.so.0.2.0 already loaded in another classloader

20-Dec-2022 11:54:06.204 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-119] it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities.loadGDAL Failed to load the GDAL native libs. This is not a problem unless you need to use the GDAL plugins: they won’t be enabled.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ‘void org.gdal.gdal.gdalJNI.AllRegister()’

Just wondered if anyone had come across something similar ?

Many Thanks

Fitzroy McCaulsky

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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this list:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Successfully-requesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer


That line in the source code says :


private boolean isAllowedURL(URL styleUrl) {
String url = styleUrl.toString();
return wms.getAllowedURLsForAuthForwarding().stream().anyMatch(s → url.startsWith(s));

The functionality of forwarding authentication when asking for icons is new - and does not appear to check for empty or missing URLs.

Please review your style carefully for any external graphic references. Chances are one is empty and causing trouble.

This will be a relatively rare problem and you are the first to encounter it and being it to our attention. It would be helpful if you could report it to the issue tracker.

If you are comfortable with java development you could also add a null check to skip empty URLs above.



Jody Garnett

Hi Jody,
that line and the method name (getDefaultStyle) do not match… a code change intervened between the version reported by the user (2.21… something, we don’t know the last version bit)
and the one you’re looking at,

I’m guessing a 2.21.0 and looking at the source code I get something that’s making sense:

If that’s the case, the layer default style is lost, it’s dangling. If that’s the case, switch to the publishing tab, and set a new default style for the layer






Andrea Aime

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!

Visit http://bit.ly/gs-services-us for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions Group
phone: +39 0584 962313

fax: +39 0584 1660272

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This email is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential or otherwise protected from disclosure. We remind that - as provided by European Regulation 2016/679 “GDPR” - copying, dissemination or use of this e-mail or the information herein by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you have received this email by mistake, please notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail

Hi Jody,

Thanks for your response to my last email.

I do not actually create and setup the maps that are put into Geoserver and will have to speak to the developer that has done this.

I am not familiar with reporting issues to the issue tracker, would you be able to point me in the right direction in order for me to be able to do this.

With regards to the Java procedure, I am not a Java developer so am not in a position to do this but I can speak to the developer to see if this can be incorporated in the tests he can do to get this working again.

This was working until the ADMIN account somehow lost privileges to the UI and could not do anything from there. I reset the account from using the geoserver-admin-user account to the user ADMIN, it seemed the problems started occurring after this,






From: Jody Garnett jody.garnett@anonymised.com
Date: Thursday, 29 December 2022 at 14:32
To: McCaulsky, Fitzroy Fitzroy.McCaulsky@anonymised.com
Cc: geoserver-users@lists.sourceforge.net geoserver-users@anonymised.comsourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.21 - Geoserver Layer Preview downloads a WMS file instead of showing preview in OpenLayers

That line in the source code says :


private boolean isAllowedURL(URL styleUrl) {

String url = styleUrl.toString();

return wms.getAllowedURLsForAuthForwarding().stream().anyMatch(s → url.startsWith(s));


The functionality of forwarding authentication when asking for icons is new - and does not appear to check for empty or missing URLs.

Please review your style carefully for any external graphic references. Chances are one is empty and causing trouble.

This will be a relatively rare problem and you are the first to encounter it and being it to our attention. It would be helpful if you could report it to the issue tracker.

If you are comfortable with java development you could also add a null check to skip empty URLs above.


On Thu, Dec 29, 2022 at 2:54 AM McCaulsky, Fitzroy <Fitzroy.McCaulsky@anonymised.com0…> wrote:

Hi Jody,

Thanks for your response. The output I provided was restricted because of the size of the email so I had to be brief.

The information I obtained after the “null pointer exception” was:-

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.getDefaultStyle(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:949)

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.processLayersStyles(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:571)

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.read(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:400)

at org.geoserver.wms.map.GetMapKvpRequestReader.read(GetMapKvpRequestReader.java:100)

at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.parseRequestKVP(Dispatcher.java:1511)

at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.dispatch(Dispatcher.java:684)

at org.geoserver.ows.Dispatcher.handleRequestInternal(Dispatcher.java:261)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController.handleRequest(AbstractController.java:177)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.handle(SimpleControllerHandlerAdapter.java:52)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doDispatch(DispatcherServlet.java:1043)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.doService(DispatcherServlet.java:943)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.processRequest(FrameworkServlet.java:1006)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.doGet(FrameworkServlet.java:898)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:655)

at org.springframework.web.servlet.FrameworkServlet.service(FrameworkServlet.java:883)

at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:764)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:227)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.apache.tomcat.websocket.server.WsFilter.doFilter(WsFilter.java:53)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter.handleNonCORS(CorsFilter.java:357)

at org.apache.catalina.filters.CorsFilter.doFilter(CorsFilter.java:176)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.ThreadLocalsCleanupFilter.doFilter(ThreadLocalsCleanupFilter.java:28)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:73)

at org.geoserver.ows.HTTPHeadersCollector.doFilter(HTTPHeadersCollector.java:48)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.filters.LoggingFilter.doFilter(LoggingFilter.java:167)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.monitor.MonitorFilter.doFilter(MonitorFilter.java:144)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.flow.controller.IpBlacklistFilter.doFilter(IpBlacklistFilter.java:89)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter$Chain.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:70)

at org.geoserver.filters.SpringDelegatingFilter.doFilter(SpringDelegatingFilter.java:43)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.platform.AdvancedDispatchFilter.doFilter(AdvancedDispatchFilter.java:39)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:320)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor.invoke(FilterSecurityInterceptor.java:127)

at org.springframework.security.web.access.intercept.FilterSecurityInterceptor.doFilter(FilterSecurityInterceptor.java:91)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.access.ExceptionTranslationFilter.doFilter(ExceptionTranslationFilter.java:119)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerAnonymousAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(GeoServerAnonymousAuthenticationFilter.java:53)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.authentication.www.BasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilterInternal(BasicAuthenticationFilter.java:158)

at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerBasicAuthenticationFilter.doFilter(GeoServerBasicAuthenticationFilter.java:81)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:71)

at org.springframework.security.web.context.SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.doFilter(SecurityContextPersistenceFilter.java:105)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1.doFilter(GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter.java:52)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter$NestedFilterChain.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:75)

at org.geoserver.security.filter.GeoServerCompositeFilter.doFilter(GeoServerCompositeFilter.java:92)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy$VirtualFilterChain.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:334)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilterInternal(FilterChainProxy.java:215)

at org.springframework.security.web.FilterChainProxy.doFilter(FilterChainProxy.java:178)

at org.geoserver.security.GeoServerSecurityFilterChainProxy.doFilter(GeoServerSecurityFilterChainProxy.java:142)

at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.invokeDelegate(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:358)

at org.springframework.web.filter.DelegatingFilterProxy.doFilter(DelegatingFilterProxy.java:271)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.XFrameOptionsFilter.doFilter(XFrameOptionsFilter.java:77)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.GZIPFilter.doFilter(GZIPFilter.java:54)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.SessionDebugFilter.doFilter(SessionDebugFilter.java:49)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.geoserver.filters.FlushSafeFilter.doFilter(FlushSafeFilter.java:42)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter.doFilterInternal(CharacterEncodingFilter.java:201)

at org.springframework.web.filter.OncePerRequestFilter.doFilter(OncePerRequestFilter.java:119)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:189)

at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.doFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:162)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.java:197)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardContextValve.invoke(StandardContextValve.java:97)

at org.apache.catalina.authenticator.AuthenticatorBase.invoke(AuthenticatorBase.java:541)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHostValve.invoke(StandardHostValve.java:135)

at org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve.invoke(ErrorReportValve.java:92)

at org.apache.catalina.valves.AbstractAccessLogValve.invoke(AbstractAccessLogValve.java:687)

at org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngineValve.invoke(StandardEngineValve.java:78)

at org.apache.catalina.connector.CoyoteAdapter.service(CoyoteAdapter.java:360)

at org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Processor.service(Http11Processor.java:399)

at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProcessorLight.process(AbstractProcessorLight.java:65)

at org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol$ConnectionHandler.process(AbstractProtocol.java:890)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioEndpoint$SocketProcessor.doRun(NioEndpoint.java:1787)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.net.SocketProcessorBase.run(SocketProcessorBase.java:49)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1191)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:659)

at org.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$WrappingRunnable.run(TaskThread.java:61)

at java.base/java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:829)

The TRACE output I get is:-

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 045 10:45:44 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 045 10:45:48 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:48 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 1ms for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:53 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:53 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 825us for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:58 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:58 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 337us for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 045 10:45:59 DEBUG [geoserver.wps] - Removing statuses matching [[[ NOT [ completionTime IS NULL ] ] AND [ completionTime Before 2022-12-29T10:40Z ]] AND [[ NOT [ lastUpdated IS NULL ] ] AND [ lastUpdated Before 2022-12-29T10:40Z ]]]

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: filter=false’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: filter=false with /web/**

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 got the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496479 releasing the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10&filter=false’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10&filter=false with /web/**

29 046 10:46:01 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:01 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 046 10:46:03 TRACE [platform.resource] - polling contents of /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 046 10:46:03 TRACE [platform.resource] - delta computed in 875us for /opt/geoserver/data_dir/gwc-layers

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10-1.IFormSubmitListener-form&filter=false’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: 10-1.IFormSubmitListener-form&filter=false with /web/**

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 got the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496812 releasing the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [filter.GeoServerSecurityContextPersistenceFilter$1] - SecurityContextHolder now cleared, as request processing completed

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.shouldSetPolicy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘geoserver.xframe.policy’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Checking match of request : ‘Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: lines=1000’; against ‘/web/**’

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [security.IncludeQueryStringAntPathRequestMatcher] - Matched Path: /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.logpage, QueryString: lines=1000 with /web/**

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.monitor] - Testing /web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage for monitor filtering

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.monitor] - /geoserver/web/wicket/bookmarkable/org.geoserver.web.admin.LogPage was filtered from monitoring

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [geoserver.ows] - Could not find a layer group named web

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496494 locking in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 DEBUG [org.geoserver] - Thread 1496494 got the lock in mode READ

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘GEOSERVER_LOG_LOCATION’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘PROXY_BASE_URL’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Property override: ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Java environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found Servlet context parameter : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset

29 046 10:46:06 TRACE [geoserver.platform] - Found System environment variable : ‘wicket.configuration’ to be unset



From: Jody Garnett <jody.garnett@anonymised.com>
Date: Saturday, 24 December 2022 at 09:13
To: McCaulsky, Fitzroy <Fitzroy.McCaulsky@anonymised.com>
Cc: geoserver-users@anonymised.comurceforge.net <geoserver-users@anonymised.comt>
Subject: Re: [Geoserver-users] Geoserver 2.21 - Geoserver Layer Preview downloads a WMS file instead of showing preview in OpenLayers

The null pointer exception is a short hand for “information is missing” (but does not provided any clue as what information was missing).

The exception should of produced a stack trace in your logs (indicating where in the source code it was trying to access information; giving us a clue what it was trying to do). Can you look for a stack trace in your logs please?

There is also an global setting for verbose error messages (not to be used in production systems) to include stack traces in the exception report that is generated - which is useful for troubleshooting.

Jody Garnett

On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 at 1:06 AM McCaulsky, Fitzroy <Fitzroy.McCaulsky@anonymised.com11700…> wrote:

Dear Users,

I am currently using Kubernetes with the repository: docker.io/kartoza/geoserver. Geoserver 2.21 which is running on Ubuntu 20-04. Recently I have noticed that when trying to perform a Layer preview, instead of getting a map, I get a WMS file that contains the following:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


I noticed that this first started happening after the ADMIN account seemed to not have the ability to do anything in the UI. Not sure why this happened but after updating the roles and users xml files and getting it to work again , the problem with the Layer previews started occurring. Interestingly enough, there was also a problem with a couple of modules that suddenly became unavailable, so I am wondering if these events are linked:-

Graphical user interface, application, table, Excel Description automatically generated

Graphical user interface, application, table, Excel Description automatically generated

I did notice this in the Catalina log file:-

20-Dec-2022 11:54:05.622 INFO [http-nio-8080-exec-119] org.apache.jasper.servlet.TldScanner.scanJars At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs. Enable debug logging for this logger for a complete list of JARs that were scanned but no TLDs were found in them. Skipping unneeded JARs during scanning can improve startup time and JSP compilation time.

20-Dec-2022 11:54:06.181 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-119] it.geosolutions.imageio.plugins.turbojpeg.TurboJpegUtilities.loadTurboJpeg Failed to load the TurboJpeg native libs. This is not a problem, but the TurboJpeg encoder won’t be available: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Native Library /opt/libjpeg-turbo/lib64/libturbojpeg.so.0.2.0 already loaded in another classloader

20-Dec-2022 11:54:06.204 WARNING [http-nio-8080-exec-119] it.geosolutions.imageio.gdalframework.GDALUtilities.loadGDAL Failed to load the GDAL native libs. This is not a problem unless you need to use the GDAL plugins: they won’t be enabled.

java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: ‘void org.gdal.gdal.gdalJNI.AllRegister()’

Just wondered if anyone had come across something similar ?

Many Thanks

Fitzroy McCaulsky

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Geoserver-users mailing list

Please make sure you read the following two resources before posting to this list:

If you want to request a feature or an improvement, also see this: https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/wiki/Successfully-requesting-and-integrating-new-features-and-improvements-in-GeoServer


Jody Garnett