I have made GeoServer 2.21-M0 milestone “release” here
This release does not even come with an anouncement - only this email! The milestone release is shared to ask for feedback and testing on one feature only - changing to upgrading from log4j 1.2 to log4j 2 (see
Testing priorites:
Your existing data directory will smoothly update from using log4j 1.2 property files to using log4j 2 xml files the first time you run.
Change between the logging profiles on global setting, please let us know if that works directly for you.
Download the user manual and read the docs on making a custom profile if you are keen. Log4j offers fun new capabilities like compressing old log files etc…
This is a milestone release, treat as a technology preview not suitable for production use!
Thanks to activity sponsors for your support:
- opengeogroep.nl
- www.terrestris.de
- how2map.com
- www.geonovation.nl
And thanks to my employer geocat bv for the in-kind support in pursing this upgrade.
Jody Garnett