[Geoserver-users] Geoserver Poi Template:Displaying pictures

Hello Everyone


I am seeking advise regarding displaying pictures in the popup.

I did create a popup and also changed the template as per this tutorial,

My challenge is I cannot find this directory being refered to here in Geoserver

I am assuming it is this directory on my computer,
C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoServer 2.12.1\data_dir\workspaces\topp\states_shapefile\states

under this directory there are five files

I am hoping it is the featuretype.xml file being referred to in the tutorial? my question, where do I paste the code being referred to in this tutorial in the xml file? Can I display my pictures straight from the attribute table or I need to do some other settings.

Kindly advise, your assistance will be highly appreciated.


The pictures I would like to display are stored in an attribute table.

This pictures have

On Fri, Apr 6, 2018 at 1:52 AM, Nauwanga Nauwanga <amellynicodemus@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello list,

I wanted to say I did manage to get rid of the X Frame error

Here is the solution,

Thank you Dave for the hints,

On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 2:34 PM, Dave Potts <mrdapotts@anonymised.com> wrote:

Cors issues normally need to be resolved by your web server.

There is a cors filter that needs to be enabled in the current version of tomcat.

There is also a plugin in for Chrome that will spoof the cors issue

In Spring is possible to turn a filter on.

On 3 April 2018 at 09:19, Nauwanga Nauwanga <amellynicodemus@anonymised.com> wrote:

If there is anyone who can assist with setting proxy for Openlayer 4, I will really appreciate.

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On Tue, Apr 3, 2018 at 9:55 AM, Nauwanga Nauwanga <amellynicodemus@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hi Andria,

Yes I am still busy researching, I believe I have found the solution which has to do with cross domain. I therefore need to set my proxy accordingly.

I am getting the error that says access to image has been blocked by CORS policy.

The real issue is now how to set proxy in Openlayer 4.

I have found some links with the setting but not working?

Here are some links with the solution


Still busy trying to get this figured and working.

Kind regards

On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 11:07 AM, Andrea Aime <andrea.aime@anonymised.com> wrote:

HI Amelia,
I see you got no answer here, maybe you should ask on the OpenLayers mailing list too?


On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 4:33 AM, Nauwanga Nauwanga <amellynicodemus@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello Everyone

I am new to Web Mapping and I have been trying to get the feature info to work for my WMS when I group them with Openlayer. I am using Openlayer 4.

I am trying the following to no success

Thank you for your kind help.

Kind regards

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Andrea Aime

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On 16 April 2018 at 17:06, Nauwanga Nauwanga <amellynicodemus@anonymised.com>

Hello Everyone

I am seeking advise regarding displaying pictures in the popup.

I did create a popup and also changed the template as per this tutorial,
Tutorials — GeoServer 2.26.x User Manual

My challenge is I cannot find this directory being refered to here in

That is a reference to the layer with the points of interest in the example
- you should replace that with the <workspace> name of your data (for topp)
and the name of your <DataStore> for DS_poi and the name of your <feature
type> for poi

I am assuming it is this directory on my computer,
C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoServer 2.12.1\data_dir\workspaces\

under this directory there are five files

I am hoping it is the featuretype.xml file being referred to in the
tutorial? my question, where do I paste the code being referred to in this
tutorial in the xml file? Can I display my pictures straight from the
attribute table or I need to do some other settings.

Never, ever (even in fun) change the featuretype.xml file it will break
GeoServer's ability to display your data. You should be editing the
content.ftl file


Hello Ian,

Thank you for yesterday’s recommendation I tried to work on it to no success.
Please advise where I am going wrong,
Also would like to mention that the pictures are stored in QGIS (hyperlinks) and would like the same to show below the list of attribute in openlayers (is this possible?).

Thank you for your help.


content.ftl (632 Bytes)


On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 6:33 PM, Ian Turton <ijturton@anonymised.com> wrote:

On 16 April 2018 at 17:06, Nauwanga Nauwanga <amellynicodemus@anonymised.com> wrote:

Hello Everyone

That is a reference to the layer with the points of interest in the example - you should replace that with the name of your data (for topp) and the name of your for DS_poi and the name of your for poi

Never, ever (even in fun) change the featuretype.xml file it will break GeoServer’s ability to display your data. You should be editing the content.ftl file


I am seeking advise regarding displaying pictures in the popup.

I did create a popup and also changed the template as per this tutorial,

My challenge is I cannot find this directory being refered to here in Geoserver

I am assuming it is this directory on my computer,
C:\Program Files (x86)\GeoServer 2.12.1\data_dir\workspaces\topp\states_shapefile\states

under this directory there are five files

I am hoping it is the featuretype.xml file being referred to in the tutorial? my question, where do I paste the code being referred to in this tutorial in the xml file? Can I display my pictures straight from the attribute table or I need to do some other settings.