[Geoserver-users] How to automatically populate metadata content in Geoserver?

Does anyone know how to automatically populate metadata content in Geoserver?

For instance, descriptions in PostGIS comment box could be automatically loaded into GeoServer. Has anyone done this?



I set up an FeatureTypeInfo API for this in the geotools library (for use in uDig). Indeed picking up postgis comments was the initial use case. The structure is based on Dublin core with additional fields for bounding box etc…

This data structure is available to communicate metadata from the data format to GeoServer. I think you can see this integration working when setting up a cascading WFS for example.

However this does not appear to be implement for PostGIS (and other JDBC datastore) implementations. Perhaps this is functionality to world consider working on our sponsoring?

On Sun, Dec 1, 2019 at 10:51 PM Shaozhong SHI <shishaozhong@anonymised.com> wrote:

Does anyone know how to automatically populate metadata content in Geoserver?

For instance, descriptions in PostGIS comment box could be automatically loaded into GeoServer. Has anyone done this?



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