[Geoserver-users] Migration Problems Part Trois

"The FeatureType 'targets' has a NULL extent.
HINT: the dataset is empty or has no default geometry attribute."

Its almost certainly the case that your geometry_column tables does not
have an entry in it for you data.

You can just use "insert into geometry_columns values (...)".


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Hi Dave,

I'm using the same script to load data on the new server as the one I used on my machine; the bit from the script where I'm loading the geometry is the standard GeomFromEWKT("+point+")" syntax.

Additionally, when querying for the data within PostGIS, I'm getting:

select target_id, AsText(point) from waypoints_2d where target_id=4;
target_id | astext
          4 | POINT(0 0)
          4 | POINT(4 4)
          4 | POINT(5 5)
          4 | POINT(2 2)
          4 | POINT(3 3)
          4 | POINT(5 5)
          4 | POINT(6 6)
          4 | POINT(7 7)
          4 | POINT(10 10)
(9 rows)

Doesn't this prove that my geometry column is indeed correct?
