I keep trying to use the print module but the create.json endpoint fails.
com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException: org.mapfish.print.InvalidJsonValueException: spec.layers[0].baseURL has an invalid value: https://…/ows?SERVICE=WMS& (java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to org.mapfish.print.config.HostMatcher)
A little context:
1.- I am using version 2.24.0 of Geoserver with Postgis Database (OSM)
2.- I am using docker-compose and nginx with proxy for GS and https
3.- I included the commons-httpclient-3.1.jar library to solve initial problems.
4.-https:…/geoserver/pdf/info.json works and includes this url:
“printURL”: “https://…/geoserver/pdf/print.pdf”,
“createURL”: “https://…/geoserver/pdf/create.json”
5.- I tried many host entries in Printing/config.yaml.
We did a lot of changes recently to the library used by the print module, and while there some tests there are not a lot of tests in place so we depend on public feedback.
What do you mean about initial problems and http client?1
(I do not use the print module myself but I do try and check everything is packaged okay)
We did a lot of changes recently to the library used by the print module, and while there some tests there are not a lot of tests in place so we depend on public feedback.
What do you mean about initial problems and http client?1
(I do not use the print module myself but I do try and check everything is packaged okay)
I keep trying to use the print module but the create.json endpoint fails.
com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException: org.mapfish.print.InvalidJsonValueException: spec.layers[0].baseURL has an invalid value: https://…/ows?SERVICE=WMS& (java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to org.mapfish.print.config.HostMatcher)
A little context:
1.- I am using version 2.24.0 of Geoserver with Postgis Database (OSM)
2.- I am using docker-compose and nginx with proxy for GS and https
3.- I included the commons-httpclient-3.1.jar library to solve initial problems.
4.-https:…/geoserver/pdf/info.json works and includes this url:
“printURL”: “https://…/geoserver/pdf/print.pdf”,
“createURL”: “https://…/geoserver/pdf/create.json”
5.- I tried many host entries in Printing/config.yaml.
Somebody could help me?
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