[Geoserver-users] Re: Migration Problems Part Trois

Does the user that geoserver is connecting to the database with have all
the necessary permissions?

If so, then try changing your "f_table_schema" columns to "" instead of


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I tried it but to no avail. I did just try making a change to the user he set up for GeoServer to connect to PostGIS as and got a SQL error so although he did set up the user/pass correctly. I find this odd because when setting up a feature type, if I change the SRID to the correct value of 4326 (defaults to 0), and then hit “generate BB”, although the BB generation fails, the grayed out SRID info for 4326 does correctly appear so GeoServer must be communicating with PostGIS in some fashion to get this; so as to why I just saw a SQL error when trying to change the user/pass I have no idea.

Connection failed:java.sql.SQLException: No suitable driver

Anyway, thanks for your help on this Dave. I’m not too fussed on waiting till this guy returns next week in any event.
