[Geoserver-users] S3 geotiff plugin not working

Hello there,

I am trying to use the S3 geotiff community module and it does not work. When trying to validate the store definition, I have the following error:
Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/amazonaws/client/builder/AwsClientBuilder$EndpointConfiguration at org.geotools.s3.S3Connector.getS3Client(S3Connector.java:120)

The class is available in the AWS SDK from the 1.12 version.

In the geotools project, the version in the pom.xml is the 1.12.261.

On the geoserver build server, when I download the zip of the extension, the version of the SDK is 1.11.36 whereas the version of geotools is the 31, which expects the 1.12 version.


Alexandre Gacon

Hello Alexandre,

You should be able to adjust the version used by changing the pom.xml information in GeoServer, or by removing the dependency completely (so it always gets the version defined and tested by GeoTools).

Are you in position to prepare and test a pull request?


Jody Garnett

Alexandre Gacon

Hello Jody,

The module does not precise the AWS version to retrieve (only the GeoTools version).

I see that the task manager community plugin references a version (1.11.36): could it hide/override the version required by the GeoTools dependency?

Should I add the dependency in the pom file of the geotiff S3 module?



Jody Garnett

Alexandre Gacon
Alexandre Gacon

Can you change the geotools dependency then :slight_smile:

It would be nice to define this only one place.


Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

Alexandre Gacon
Alexandre Gacon

It is the thing that I don’t understand:

  • In GeoTools, the SDK version in the pom of s3-geotiff points to the right version (1.12.261) since the version 30 of geotools
  • In GeoServer, we normally are at version 31
  • But the dependencies are not OK : is it a problem in geotools delivery process or in geoserver build process?



Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

Alexandre Gacon
Alexandre Gacon
Alexandre Gacon


I’d suggest to use the COG support instead (and make sure the tiffs are proper COGs)

Here are good answers from Ian and Andrea: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/442695/s3-support-for-geotiff-vs-cog-cloud-optimized-geotiff-support-geoserver-co



Gabriel Roldán
Geospatial Developer

Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett

Alexandre Gacon
Alexandre Gacon
Alexandre Gacon