Greetings, Gerald,
Thursday, June 16, 2005, you wrote:
I am working on a project in Morocco and the SRS they
are using here is the EPSG# 26191 (Merchich) and it is
not in the list of available and regnonize EPSG#.
I was unable to locate where geoserver stores this
list to be able to add mine so I believe that it is
code somewhere in the java source code.
Could you tell me whether it is important in geoserver
as I understood it is not use yet? And where can I add
this to geoserver?
I believe that the list of supported CRSs is stored in
gt2-epsg.jar file and so it is part of Geotools rather than GeoServer
itself. I just looked inside the
org/geotools/referencing/crs/ file and found WKT for
your CRS:
26191=PROJCS["Merchich / Nord Maroc",GEOGCS["Merchich",DATUM["Merchich",
SPHEROID["Clarke 1880 (IGN)",6378249.2,293.4660212936269,AUTHORITY["
That suggests that EPSG 26191 is supported by Getools/GeoServer, and I
haven't any ideas why you are not able to use it. I don't know much of the
GeoServer internals part which work with CRSs, so maybe someone else
could answer this question. I almost sure that GeoServer uses exactly
this WKT database. Martin Desruisseaux noticed several times in mailing list that it has some
flaws and recommended to use MS-Access database on Windows and
epsg-hsql plugin on Linux, but file works nearly just
as well in most situations and doesn't require any special
installation. But if you want to know more details on this subject I'd
recommend to ask in the aforementioned mailing list and/or check
Geotools project documentation at
Though I don't think you would really need to do it If you provide
a bit more information about your case it is quite possible that
someone in this list will be able to figure out what's going wrong.