[Geoserver-users] Strange error message when bgcolor parameter in a WMS GetMap is incorrect

changed it to "#ffffff" (CSS-style), it gave me this ugly error:

"#" is the in-document anchor in HTTP so anything after the "#" is
ignored. The other two special characters are "?" (parameters start)
and "&" (parameter separator).

ps. excuse me not using the correct terminology, but I hope you
understand what I'm saying.

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dblasby@anonymised.com wrote:

changed it to "#ffffff" (CSS-style), it gave me this ugly error:

"#" is the in-document anchor in HTTP so anything after the "#" is
ignored. The other two special characters are "?" (parameters start)
and "&" (parameter separator).

Paff ! (the sound of me slapping my forehead) Of course !
That's why it ignored the following SLD parameter.

Sorry to have bothered the list with this non-issue, folks.


    Luca Morandini

dblasby@anonymised.com wrote:
>>>changed it to "#ffffff" (CSS-style), it gave me this ugly error:
> "#" is the in-document anchor in HTTP so anything after the "#" is
> ignored. The other two special characters are "?" (parameters start)
> and "&" (parameter separator).

Paff ! (the sound of me slapping my forehead) Of course !
That's why it ignored the following SLD parameter.

Sorry to have bothered the list with this non-issue, folks.

No worries, it still wouldn't hurt us to have a better error report
(though that could be a bit difficult), or to at least doc it better some

best regards,



    Luca Morandini

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