“Catalina” being the internal name tomcat uses to refer to its “servlet container” responsible for running GeoServer. You can see I often make one line for each setting so I can comment things on or off.
Another application server is Jetty, as used by the GeoServer bin download. You can set a JAVA_OPS environment variable (similar to how I have done above) and it is applied by bin/start.sh when running Jetty.
To be flexible the geoserver specific settings can often be configured by a system environment variable, a web-context property, or a java system property.
You can also check the current GeoServer setup using the Server Status page. The modules tab lists what is going on, try clicking on System Environment and System Properties modules to display more information.
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Thanks for the clarification.
If someone wanted to develop GeoServer to make it support NetCDF with 2D lat/lon, how should he start? What would be the first steps?
To be flexible the geoserver specific settings can often be configured by a system environment variable, a web-context property, or a java system property.
Careful here… GeoServer own properties can be configured this way, GeoTools modules can only react to Java system properties normally.
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