[Gfoss] A quick call for help - FOSS and Haiti

Python, web2py, OpenLayers, jQuery cercasi per Sahana Software Foundation

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From: Gavin Treadgold
Subject: A quick call for help - FOSS and Haiti
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2010 at 2:32 PM

This is a brief request from the Sahana Software Foundation to fellow
GSOC mentors and their projects. We have already approached some
communities with requests for assistance, and I thought I'd ask here.

We are looking for additional developers to help us with Sahana and
continue to build an information portal that is seeing increased interest
and usage to assist organisations responding to events in Haiti.

Sahana Haiti Reponse Overview page + areas we're working on

Skills we are primarily looking for (you don't need them all, any will
* Python - the main development for SahanaPy is Python (we're not using
PHP for this instance)
* web2py - we use the web2py enterprise framework for SahanaPy (I'm told
it is fairly easy to learn if you're used to Django)
* OpenLayers
* jQuery

Best place is to jump onto #sahana on freenode if you're interested in
giving us a hand or finding out more. As much or as little as you want.
Some of our core devs have been working really long hours the past 5-6
days, and any additional resource would assist us greatly, particularly
as we're really starting to get some interest, traction and coverage. And
more feature requests.

If you read this far, thanks for taking the brief time required to read
this - hope some of you are able to join us on #sahana and help out in
whatever way possible :wink:

Cheers Gavin

2008 GSOC Admin, 2009 GSOC Mentor
Board Member, Sahana Software Foundation
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