[Gfoss] Amare il software libero

Una iniziativa della Free Software Foundation Europe.

= FSFE asks to show your love for Free Software! =

[Read online: http://fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.en.html ]

On February 14th Free Software Foundation Europe asks all Free Software
users to show their appreciation for Free Software. FSFE suggests to
take this day as an opportunity to say "thank you" to one of the
dedicated hard-working people in the Free Software community.

"Every day, we use Free Software and often take it for granted. We write
bug reports, tell others how they should improve their software, or ask
them for new features - and often we are not shy about criticising. So,
to let the people in Free Software receive a positive feedback at least
once a year, there is the 'I love Free Software day'." says Matthias
Kirschner, who initiated the FSFE's#ilovefs campaign[1].

For the"I love Free Software Day"[2]the FSFE has several suggestions how
to show your love to the people behind Free Software, including:

- - write an e-mail/letter, (micro-)blog post, to contributors expressing
  how much you like what they are doing
- - buy your favourite contributor a drink. Or buy someone else a drink
  and while enjoying it, tell her/him about your favourite Free Software
- - give a contributor a hug (ask for permission first)
- - take a picture of yourself showing your feelings for Free Software,
  and post them online.
- - Donate to FSFE[3]or another Free Software initiative[4]to express your
  gratitude. They depend on your contribution to continue their work. So
  check out your favourite organisation and make a donation. You can be
  sure they will love you back.
- - Finally you can help spread the love by sharing the campaign
  banners[5], by e-mail, (micro)blog or by spreading through any social
  network (please use the hashtag #ilovefs for this).

"We want you to help us, to make this day the day where everybody
says*'thank you'*to the people behind Free Software", adds Matthias

1. http://ilovefs.org
2. http://ilovefs.org
3. http://fsfe.org/donate/donate.en.html
4. http://wiki.fsfe.org/DonateToFreeSoftwareProjects
5. http://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/2012/banners.en.html

== About the Free Software Foundation Europe ==

  The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is a non-profit
  non-governmental organisation active in many European countries and
  involved in many global activities. Access to software determines
  participation in a digital society. To secure equal participation in
  the information age, as well as freedom of competition, the Free
  Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) pursues and is dedicated to the
  furthering of Free Software, defined by the freedoms to use, study,
  modify and copy. Founded in 2001, creating awareness for these issues,
  securing Free Software politically and legally, and giving people
  Freedom by supporting development of Free Software are central issues
  of the FSFE.

Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario

Grazie della segnalazione Paolo!
Saluti a tutti,

On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 1:17 PM, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini@faunalia.it> wrote:

Una iniziativa della Free Software Foundation Europe.

= FSFE asks to show your love for Free Software! =

[Read online: http://fsfe.org/news/2013/news-20130212-01.en.html ]

On February 14th Free Software Foundation Europe asks all Free Software
users to show their appreciation for Free Software. FSFE suggests to
take this day as an opportunity to say "thank you" to one of the
dedicated hard-working people in the Free Software community.

"Every day, we use Free Software and often take it for granted. We write
bug reports, tell others how they should improve their software, or ask
them for new features - and often we are not shy about criticising. So,
to let the people in Free Software receive a positive feedback at least
once a year, there is the 'I love Free Software day'." says Matthias
Kirschner, who initiated the FSFE's#ilovefs campaign[1].

For the"I love Free Software Day"[2]the FSFE has several suggestions how
to show your love to the people behind Free Software, including:

- - write an e-mail/letter, (micro-)blog post, to contributors expressing
  how much you like what they are doing
- - buy your favourite contributor a drink. Or buy someone else a drink
  and while enjoying it, tell her/him about your favourite Free Software
- - give a contributor a hug (ask for permission first)
- - take a picture of yourself showing your feelings for Free Software,
  and post them online.
- - Donate to FSFE[3]or another Free Software initiative[4]to express your
  gratitude. They depend on your contribution to continue their work. So
  check out your favourite organisation and make a donation. You can be
  sure they will love you back.
- - Finally you can help spread the love by sharing the campaign
  banners[5], by e-mail, (micro)blog or by spreading through any social
  network (please use the hashtag #ilovefs for this).

"We want you to help us, to make this day the day where everybody
says*'thank you'*to the people behind Free Software", adds Matthias

1. http://ilovefs.org
2. http://ilovefs.org
3. http://fsfe.org/donate/donate.en.html
4. http://wiki.fsfe.org/DonateToFreeSoftwareProjects
5. http://fsfe.org/campaigns/ilovefs/2012/banners.en.html

== About the Free Software Foundation Europe ==

  The Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) is a non-profit
  non-governmental organisation active in many European countries and
  involved in many global activities. Access to software determines
  participation in a digital society. To secure equal participation in
  the information age, as well as freedom of competition, the Free
  Software Foundation Europe (FSFE) pursues and is dedicated to the
  furthering of Free Software, defined by the freedoms to use, study,
  modify and copy. Founded in 2001, creating awareness for these issues,
  securing Free Software politically and legally, and giving people
  Freedom by supporting development of Free Software are central issues
  of the FSFE.

Paolo Cavallini - Faunalia
Full contact details at www.faunalia.eu/pc
Nuovi corsi QGIS e PostGIS: http://www.faunalia.it/calendario
Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni dell'Associazione GFOSS.it.
630 iscritti al 1.12.2012

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