[Gfoss] CEN/TC 287 award for Excellence and Innovation in Inspire 2013

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There will be two awards: one (1) for the best academic work and one (1) for the most innovative SME. The two successful candidates with the winning submission will each receive €2500. The AWARD is sponsored and supported by SPARX SYSTEMS Pty Ltd, the developers and distributors of the Enterprise Architect software, by smeSpire, an EU FP7 Support Action, and by GiStandards, a SME active in the geospatial standardisation sector. The winner will receive the prize at the INSPIRE conference which will take place between 23 and 27 June 2013, in Florence.

The received proposals will be reviewed and ranked based on the following criteria:
a) originality (i.e. novelty, degree of innovation);
b) technical quality (i.e. thoroughness, completeness, identification of issues and recommended solutions);
c) relevance to the scope of INSPIRE;
d) relevance to standardization in the field of geospatial information;
e) use of UML;
f) presentation (i.e. clarity, readability).

A presto

Piergiorgio Cipriano