[Gfoss] dubbio in overlapping areas

Ciao a tutti/e

ho un dubbio:

ho un file vettoriale che vado ad
imporatre su GRASS.
Vi tralascio la schermata per intero ma mi
focalizzo solo sulle ultime righe [1] nelle queli mi viene detto che
sono presenti 4 "overlapping areas" (4.485691e+05), "stored as category
in layer 2".

la domanda è duplice:

(a) come faccio a visualizzare le
"overlapping areas"?
(b) quando lancio v.build [2] non mi comapre
nessuna dicitura riguardo tali "overlapping areas"... nel momento in
cui vado a modificare il mio vettoriale, come faccio a asapere se
queste aree esistono ancora??

grazie mille


Number of
nodes: 144
Number of primitives: 179
Number of points: 0
Number of
lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 132
Number of centroids: 47
Number of
areas: 72
Number of isles: 37
Number of areas without centroid: 25

areas represent more (overlapping) features, because polygons

            overlap in input layer(s). Such areas are linked to more
than 1
            row in attribute table. The number of features for
those areas
            is stored as category in layer 2
43 input
Area totale: 4.017524e+10 (72 areas)
Overlapping area: 4.485691
e+05 (4 areas)
Aree senza categoria: 1.023259e+09 (25 areas)


GRASS 6.4.0+42329 (utm_32):~ > v.build mix_carb_austria
topology for vector map <mix_carb_austria>...
Registering primitives...

179 primitives registered
3514 vertices registered
Building areas...

72 areas built
37 isles built
Attaching islands...
Number of nodes: 144
Number of primitives: 179

Number of points: 0
Number of lines: 0
Number of boundaries: 132
of centroids: 47
Number of areas: 72
Number of isles: 37
Number of
areas without centroid: 25

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On 15:25 Thu 06 Dec , marco.donnini@tiscali.it wrote:

areas represent more (overlapping) features, because polygons
overlap in input layer(s). Such areas are linked to more
than 1 row in attribute table.

Se le aree sovrapposte hanno la stessa categoria, e quindi ci sono
categorie duplicate, puoi provare con:

v.build op=cdump map=miamappa | gawk -F"|" '{print $1}' | uniq -dc

restituisce, p.es.
5 35347
(5 elementi con cat. 35347)

Hai provato a visualizzare solo il layer 2 ?
