[Gfoss] EuroGlobalMap

Riporto da http://epsiplatform.eu/content/euroglobalmap

Pan-European Geographic Data Now Available under Open Data License

This 1:1 million scale topographic dataset, dubbed EuroGlobalMap,
will be available free of charge for any use under a new open data
licence. It is produced using authoritative geo-information provided
by members of EuroGeographics, the Association for European Mapping,
Cadastre and Land Registry Authorities. EuroGlobalMap can be used
for cross-border planning, monitoring and network analysis, as well
as presenting environmental policies. It collects national mapping
data supplied by 45 European countries and territories, which falls
under six categories: administrative boundaries, names locations,
transport networks, settlements, elevation, and the water network.

The move is part of a wider package of new licensing agreements and
lower pricing to enable more users to benefit from members'
pan-European data. The changes mean that EuroGeographics will sell
only European and regional coverage of its EuroBoundaryMap,
EuroRegionalMap, and EuroDEM products. Individual national datasets
and cross-boundary areas for each product will be available from
licensed distributors and value-added resellers.

I dati si scaricano compilando questo modulo. Altamente inconsueto come
"open data" ma una volta scaricati si possono redistribuire (fastidioso
e totalmente superfluo più del modulo in sé la cessione a terze parti
dei dati personali).


La licenza non è standard ma è di tipo "attribution":

Acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data by including the
following attribution statement: “This product includes Intellectual
Property from European National Mapping and Cadastral Authorities and
is licensed on behalf of these by EuroGeographics. Original product
is freely available at www.eurogeographics.org. Terms of the licence
available at
Short form – “© EuroGeographics. Original product is freely available
at www.eurogeographics.org. Terms of the licence available at

Un po' lungo come attribution statement. Vedremo se possono aggiustarlo
e permettere che venga usato solo il link (altrimenti su un dispositivo
mobile si vede solo l'attribution e non la mappa).

I dati sono disponibili in Geodatabase o SHP. Immagino il link diretto
di download temporaneo avrà breve vita http://goo.gl/Evsb2

Happy mapping

ho trovato qualche info in piu’ qui


Da: Stefano Costa steko@iosa.it
A: gfoss@lists.gfoss.it
Inviato: Martedì 12 Marzo 2013 17:47
Oggetto: [Gfoss] EuroGlobalMap

Riporto da http://epsiplatform.eu/content/euroglobalmap

Pan-European Geographic Data Now Available under Open Data License

This 1:1 million scale topographic dataset, dubbed EuroGlobalMap,
will be available free of charge for any use under a new open data
licence. It is produced using authoritative geo-information provided
by members of EuroGeographics, the Association for European Mapping,
Cadastre and Land Registry Authorities. EuroGlobalMap can be used
for cross-border planning, monitoring and network analysis, as well
as presenting environmental policies. It collects national mapping
data supplied by 45 European countries and territories, which falls
under six categories: administrative boundaries, names locations,
transport networks, settlements, elevation, and the water network.

The move is part of a wider package of new licensing agreements and
lower pricing to enable more users to benefit from members’
pan-European data. The changes mean that EuroGeographics will sell
only European and regional coverage of its EuroBoundaryMap,
EuroRegionalMap, and EuroDEM products. Individual national datasets
and cross-boundary areas for each product will be available from
licensed distributors and value-added resellers.

I dati si scaricano compilando questo modulo. Altamente inconsueto come
“open data” ma una volta scaricati si possono redistribuire (fastidioso
e totalmente superfluo più del modulo in sé la cessione a terze parti
dei dati personali).


La licenza non è standard ma è di tipo “attribution”:

Acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data by including the
following attribution statement: “This product includes Intellectual
Property from European National Mapping and Cadastral Authorities and
is licensed on behalf of these by EuroGeographics. Original product
is freely available at www.eurogeographics.org. Terms of the licence
available at
Short form – “© EuroGeographics. Original product is freely available
at www.eurogeographics.org. Terms of the licence available at

Un po’ lungo come attribution statement. Vedremo se possono aggiustarlo
e permettere che venga usato solo il link (altrimenti su un dispositivo
mobile si vede solo l’attribution e non la mappa).

I dati sono disponibili in Geodatabase o SHP. Immagino il link diretto
di download temporaneo avrà breve vita http://goo.gl/Evsb2

Happy mapping

Questa e’ una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni dell’Associazione GFOSS.it.
638 iscritti al 28.2.2013

Davvero curiosa la questione della registrazione, trovo fastidiosa la
modalità richiesta per la citazione, in particolare, la questione
della sotto-licenza.
Più che altro penso agli import in openstreetmap, per come è messa la
licenza serve una autorizzazione ad hoc.

On Tue, Mar 12, 2013 at 5:47 PM, Stefano Costa <steko@iosa.it> wrote:

Riporto da http://epsiplatform.eu/content/euroglobalmap

Pan-European Geographic Data Now Available under Open Data License

This 1:1 million scale topographic dataset, dubbed EuroGlobalMap,
will be available free of charge for any use under a new open data
licence. It is produced using authoritative geo-information provided
by members of EuroGeographics, the Association for European Mapping,
Cadastre and Land Registry Authorities. EuroGlobalMap can be used
for cross-border planning, monitoring and network analysis, as well
as presenting environmental policies. It collects national mapping
data supplied by 45 European countries and territories, which falls
under six categories: administrative boundaries, names locations,
transport networks, settlements, elevation, and the water network.

The move is part of a wider package of new licensing agreements and
lower pricing to enable more users to benefit from members'
pan-European data. The changes mean that EuroGeographics will sell
only European and regional coverage of its EuroBoundaryMap,
EuroRegionalMap, and EuroDEM products. Individual national datasets
and cross-boundary areas for each product will be available from
licensed distributors and value-added resellers.

I dati si scaricano compilando questo modulo. Altamente inconsueto come
"open data" ma una volta scaricati si possono redistribuire (fastidioso
e totalmente superfluo più del modulo in sé la cessione a terze parti
dei dati personali).


La licenza non è standard ma è di tipo "attribution":

Acknowledge the copyright and the source of the data by including the
following attribution statement: "This product includes Intellectual
Property from European National Mapping and Cadastral Authorities and
is licensed on behalf of these by EuroGeographics. Original product
is freely available at www.eurogeographics.org. Terms of the licence
available at
Short form - "(c) EuroGeographics. Original product is freely available
at www.eurogeographics.org. Terms of the licence available at

Un po' lungo come attribution statement. Vedremo se possono aggiustarlo
e permettere che venga usato solo il link (altrimenti su un dispositivo
mobile si vede solo l'attribution e non la mappa).

I dati sono disponibili in Geodatabase o SHP. Immagino il link diretto
di download temporaneo avrà breve vita http://goo.gl/Evsb2

Happy mapping
Questa e' una lista di discussione pubblica aperta a tutti.
I messaggi di questa lista non hanno relazione diretta con le posizioni
dell'Associazione GFOSS.it.
638 iscritti al 28.2.2013

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Trento - Italy
tel +39 0461 314341