[Gfoss] From the current GRASS GIS Community Sprint in Prague

Saluti da Praga! Bel tempo, bella gente, produttività enorme :slight_smile:

Sotto un riassunto attuale,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Markus Neteler <neteler@osgeo.org>
Date: Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 5:09 PM
Subject: From the current GRASS GIS Community Sprint in Prague
To: GRASS developers list <grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org>
Cc: GRASS user list <grass-user@lists.osgeo.org>

Hi all,

the Community Sprint is going on pretty well here in Prague!
Special thanks to Martin Landa for organizing it all...

Here a initial summary of the efforts, you find them continuously documented at

Joint efforts
- Creating 3D vector test data (for 3D interpolation) - ES, SG, MN
- Added General introduction (based on manual of G7/i.vi by Yann
  Chemin) - MN, MN, YC
- Discussions on Bundle Block Adjustments - YC, ST
- wxGUI refactoring - AP, VP
- Presentation of state of image processing in GRASS 7 - YC, MN
- Presentation of state of Temporal GIS Algebra in GRASS 7 - SG, TL
- ISIS-GRASS bridge port to GRASS7 (see
   http://isis.astrogeology.usgs.gov) - YC, VP, ML, MN
- Discussions on potential integration of Rasdaman software as raster
   data backend - SG, YC

Individual efforts:
- OSGeo4W GRASS 6.4.3RC4 package published
- Fix v.pack and v.unpack on MS Windows,
- r.basin ported to GRASS 7
- r.wf and r.ipso Addons fixed
- New g.isis3mt Addon
- Tested direct access of ISIS3 data into G7, r.in.gdal and r.external
   both work (tested Mars MOLA and Dawn test_datasets)
- Discussed about Rasdaman, Voxel lib and Raster handling in GRASS 8,
needs investigating handling, interfaces and performances.
- Worked more on r.crater
- Google Summer of Code live discussions
- v.krige fixed in GRASS 7

And thanks to our sponsors!

(Hint: donations yet welcome: http://grass.osgeo.org/donations)

Markus (et al. from Prague)