[Gfoss] GDAL-based DEM utilitie

Non so se lo conoscete [1] sto provando ad installarlo sembra che non
legga delle variabili

debianluca:/home/luca/demtools# make
Demtools compilation ...
g++ hillshade.cpp -lgdal -o bin/hillshade
hillshade.cpp:24:23: error: gdal_priv.h: No such file or directory
hillshade.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
hillshade.cpp:28: error: 'GDALDataset' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:28: error: 'poDataset' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:69: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:71: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:74: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:77: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:82: error: 'GDALAllRegister' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:87: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
hillshade.cpp:87: error: expected `;' before 'GDALOpen'
hillshade.cpp:93: error: 'GDALRasterBand' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:93: error: 'poBand' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:105: error: 'CPLMalloc' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:111: error: 'GDALDriver' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:111: error: 'poDriver' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:112: error: 'GetGDALDriverManager' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:113: error: 'poShadeDS' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:114: error: 'poShadeBand' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:117: error: 'GDT_Byte' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:147: error: 'GF_Read' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:148: error: 'GDT_Float32' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:202: error: 'GF_Write' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:203: error: 'GDT_Float32' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:207: error: type '<type error>' argument given to
'delete', expected pointer
make: *** [compile] Error 1

qui potete trovare il make file [2]

ciao e grazie


On Thu, Nov 27, 2008 at 11:52 PM, Luca Delucchi <lucadeluge@gmail.com> wrote:

Non so se lo conoscete [1] sto provando ad installarlo sembra che non
legga delle variabili

debianluca:/home/luca/demtools# make
Demtools compilation ...
g++ hillshade.cpp -lgdal -o bin/hillshade
hillshade.cpp:24:23: error: gdal_priv.h: No such file or directory
hillshade.cpp: In function 'int main(int, char**)':
hillshade.cpp:28: error: 'GDALDataset' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:28: error: 'poDataset' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:69: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:71: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:74: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:77: error: 'EQUAL' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:82: error: 'GDALAllRegister' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:87: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token
hillshade.cpp:87: error: expected `;' before 'GDALOpen'
hillshade.cpp:93: error: 'GDALRasterBand' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:93: error: 'poBand' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:105: error: 'CPLMalloc' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:111: error: 'GDALDriver' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:111: error: 'poDriver' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:112: error: 'GetGDALDriverManager' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:113: error: 'poShadeDS' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:114: error: 'poShadeBand' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:117: error: 'GDT_Byte' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:147: error: 'GF_Read' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:148: error: 'GDT_Float32' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:202: error: 'GF_Write' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:203: error: 'GDT_Float32' was not declared in this scope
hillshade.cpp:207: error: type '<type error>' argument given to
'delete', expected pointer
make: *** [compile] Error 1

Frank ha indicato questo qualche tempo fa su gdal-dev::

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 4:13 PM, Frank Warmerdam <warmerdam@pobox.com> wrote:

I don't know where the gdal library gets put, perhaps /usr/lib/gdal?

If so, it might help to do:

g++ -I/usr/include/gdal hillshade.cpp -L/usr/lib/gdal -lgdal -o hillshade

You might also find the following works for you:

g++ `gdal-config --cflags` hillshade.cpp -o hillshade `gdal-config --libs`

Magari ti aiuta...

Servirebbe un GDAL-Addons-SVN come GRASS-Addons...
