[Gfoss] [gfoss] Offerta di lavoro al JRC di Ispra

Buongiorno a tutti,

segnalo l’offerta di lavoro presso il JRC (Joint Research Centre) di Ispra (VA) riportata qui sotto.
Le candidature vanno comunicate al più presto a Roberto Boca (roberto.boca@ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu, cell.393 9295121).

Cordiali saluti,

Diego Magni

Good background in Python programming, preferably including the Django web


She/he should have knowledge of MapServer, to provide OGC web map services,
and be able to work with web 2.0 technologies, providing services such as
XML/GeoRSS feeds and incorporating these into feature rich clients.

The work will involve developing web mapping browser applications.
Therefore, experience with javascript libraries including jQuery, OpenLayers
and/or GeoExt is desirable.

Knowledge in managing and extracting data from databases in Oracle Spatial
and/or Postgres/PostGIS is required, while knowledge of spatial queries
would be considered an asset.

The candidate will also be expected to provide support for the Apache web
server running within a Linux environment and have a good understanding of
different vector and raster data formats, with experience of manipulating
datasets using utility programs such the GDAL toolset, and Oracle SQL*Plus
and sqlLoader.

Knowledge of spoken and written English is required.

The activities have to be preformed in Ispra (Varese) at the premises of the
JRC - Joint Research Centre of the European Union