[Gfoss] GIS Virtual Machine

copio/incollo dall'annuncio che il team di http://gisvm.com/
ha chiesto di diffondere in giro

Dear all,
We are proud to announce the new “GISVM BASE”.
Available now for FREE DOWNLOAD at: http://gisvm.com

GISVM ("GIS Virtual Machine") is a Ubuntu Linux distribution for GIS users, packaged as a virtual machine, a completely isolated computer that can be run in a window inside your current operating system.

This new BASE edition, based on a minimum Ubuntu 10.10 installation, provides the user with simple Double Click install scripts for an unlimited possible number of open-source GIS packages.This way, users are FREE to build their own GISVM by installing the desired GIS packages.

By the time of this announcement these are the available install scripts:
- Quantum GIS / Grass
- uDIG
- gvSIG
- OpenJump
- Kosmo
- R
- GeoServer
- GeoMajas

We plan to keep adding more install scripts, depending on the users feedback and request.

PLEASE REGISTER ON THE GISVM USER MAILLING LIST and help us improve this new version: https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/gisvm-users

We would also appreciate it if you SPREAD THE WORD. Put it in your blog, forum, facebook, twitter, webpage, and so on.

Thank you,
Ricardo Pinho