[Gfoss] [GRASS-dev] Updated WinGrass release installer now available


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From: Colin Nielsen <colin.nielsen@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 11:03 PM
Subject: [GRASS-dev] Updated WinGrass release installer now available
To: grass-windows@lists.osgeo.org, grass-dev <grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org>

I have created a new installer for grass-6.4.0RC3, built on windows
vista (through the osgeo4w tree). This "just-double-click" installer
creates a stand-alone Grass (no osgeo4w structure).

This is still experimental but I think everything works (minus the old
tcltk gui). After installation there should be two icons on your
desktop. The "grass msys" one is new (created by me) and allows you to
use an msys terminal with grass. Please test and report on both
methods and on all windows versions.


I have another installer for develbranch_6 but I'll wait to hear
positive feedback on this one before I release it. Once a couple
issues with 7.0 get worked out I'll put together that installer too if
it is wanted.

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