[Gfoss] I: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Live DVD and Virtual Machine released

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Mer 31/3/10, Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter@gmail.com ha scritto:

> Da: Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter@gmail.com
> Oggetto: [OSGeo-Discuss] OSGeo Live DVD and Virtual Machine released
> A: “OSGeo Discussions” discuss@lists.osgeo.org, “live-demo@lists.osgeo.orglive-demo@lists.osgeo.org
> Data: Mercoledì 31 marzo 2010, 09:05
> The Geospatial LiveDVD team is pleased to announce version 3.0 of the OSGeo GeoSpatial Live DVD and Virtual Machine, code named Arramagong.
> From the Arramagong LiveDVD, you can try the best of GeoSpatial Open Source Software(OSS) without installing any applications on your computer. As a royalty free, reference release with fully tested and configured OSS stack, the LiveDVD is ideal for training, demonstration and public outreach.
> The LiveDVD is based on XUbuntu 9.10 so it can be run on most computers simply by rebooting the computer with the DVD inserted. The Arramagong LiveDVD also comes with Windows and Macintosh installers for many of the GeoSpatial applications too.
> Highlights from this 3.0 release include:
> - 34 of the best GeoSpatial Open Source applications included.
> - 14 new applications added since release 2.0, at FOSS4G 2009
> - 13 applications updated
> - Formalised testing introduced for all packages as part of the release process
> - Plus lots of general improvements and fixes
> ## Downloads:
> http://download.osgeo.org/livedvd
> ## Packages:- AtlasStyler SLD editor and Geopublisher :: 1.4 (new)
> - deegree WMS, WFS, WCS and iGeoPortal :: 2.2
> - GDAL :: 1.6.3
> - GeoKettle :: 3.2.0-20090609
> - Geomajas :: 1.4.2 (new)
> - GeoNetwork :: 2.4.2
> - GeoServer :: 2.0.1
> - GMT: The Generic Mapping tools :: 4.4.0 (new)
> - GpsDrive :: 2.10pre7
> - GRASS GIS :: 6.4.0rc5
> - gvSIG :: 1.9 stable
> - Kosmo :: 2.0 RC1
> - Mapfish :: 1.2 (new)
> - Mapnik :: 0.6.1 (new)
> - Mapserver :: 5.6.1
> - MapTiler :: 1.0 beta2
> - Marble :: 0.8.1
> - MB System :: 5.1.2
> - Octave Mapping Toolbox :: 3.0 / 1.0.7 (new)
> - Open Jump :: 1.3
> - Open Layers :: 2.8 (new)
> - OpenCPN :: 1.3.6 (new)
> - OpenStreetMap editors and tools :: JOSM svn1788, Gosmore svn20090624 (new)
> - osgEarth :: 1.3 (new)
> - Ossim/OssimPlanet :: 1.8.3 (new)
> - pgRouting :: 1.04
> - Postgres/PostGIS :: 8.4/1.4
> - PROJ.4 :: 4.7.0 (new)
> - QuantumGIS :: 1.4.0
> - R geostatistics :: 2.10.1
> - SpatiaLite :: 2.4.0 (new)
> - uDig :: 1.2RC1
> - Unofficial gvSIG Mobile for Linux :: 0.1.6 (new)
> - Xubuntu :: 9.10
> ## Interested?
> You can find more details about the project on our wiki at: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Live_GIS_Disc
> Us packagers are keen to help projects make use of the next release of the Live DVD at this year’s OSGeo FOSS4G conference, http://2010.foss4g.org. Can you use the Live DVD in your presentations, tutorials or workshops? Talk to us about it.
> -----Segue allegato-----
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> Discuss mailing list
> Discuss@lists.osgeo.org
> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/discuss


Cameron Shorter
Geospatial Solutions Manager
Tel: +61 (0)2 8570 5050
Mob: +61 (0)419 142 254

Think Globally, Fix Locally
Geospatial Solutions enhanced with Open Standards and Open Source