[Gfoss] Il progetto HOT cerca GIS Hacker (osmici) in Indonesia

HOT sta per Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

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HOT is proposing a 3 week trip in November to provide this support. The specifics of the training are flexible, because the local team in Indonesia is capable of providing training in many of the topics. The goal is to have someone with more in depth specific expertise cover some of them and to vary the training and teaching style. We’ve listed some possible topics below, but suggestions/ideas are also welcome.

The ideal person is well experienced in a specific programming of OSGeo topic, and also is familiar with OpenStreetMap. This person will also accompany the HOT Indonesia training teams to some intermediate workshops during that time to serve as a technical resource, so familiarity with OSM is important.

This position will take place over the course of two weeks in Jakarta. HOT will cover airfare, accommodations (in HOT’s apartment in Jakarta) and a stipend.

Tech We Are Interested In

     General programming in Python, especially with QGIS
     SQL Queries/PostGIS
     Setting up WMS Servers
     Web Server Configuration
     Sharing maps on WordPress/Drupal/other web tools
     Advanced QGIS Topics
     Processing of Imagery with open source tools
     Advanced OpenStreetMap topics we might not have thought about