[Gfoss] Indagine sul valore economico degli standard OGC

Buon pomeriggio,
mi sembra opportuno segnalare questa iniziativa del Business Value Committee dell’OGC, che ha lanciato un’idagine a livello globale per promuovere una riflessione sul valore “economico” degli standard OGC. Aggiungo che uno degli obiettivi del Comitato Business Value è quello di allargare la consapevolezza in merito agli standard open ad un’utenza che non sia soltanto quella tecnica, come invece è inevitabilmente stato finora.

The survey is a joint effort by two academic researchers who are OGC members and by the OGC Business Value Committee (BVC). Dr. Mu Xia at Santa Clara University and Dr. Kexin Zhao at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte developed the survey based on requirements from the OGC BVC to support their studies on standards effectiveness. The BVC will use a summary of the results to help the OGC better understand the value of the OGC’s open standards and improve its programs for geospatial standards development, compliance testing and outreach.

To take the survey, if you are a technology user, visit http://uncc.surveyshare.com/s/AQAIJDC. If you are a technology provider (software vendor, system integrator or a consultant), visit http://uncc.surveyshare.com/s/AQAIZBC.
The survey period is 1st November through 18th December 2011.

There’s an opportunity for all respondents to win one of three prizes (drawn at random once the survey has closed)
*** Win an Apple iPad 2 Tablet, an Apple iPod touch or Bose AE2 headphones! ***

We encourage ALL OGC members to participate in this survey and to also tell your customers and business partners. The survey takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete. The researchers will summarise the data gathered from the survey, removing all references to individual responses, and make the summary available to OGC Business Value Committee members. An executive summary will be provided to survey respondents.




Massimo Zotti
Sales Manager

Planetek Italia s.r.l.
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