[Gfoss] [INSPIRE Conference 2010: Call for papers]

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-------- Messaggio Originale --------
The INSPIRE Conference 2010,
(http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/events/conferences/inspire_2010) will
take place from 23 to 25 June 2010 in Krakow, Poland. On 22 June
pre-conference workshops will be organized. The theme of this year’s
edition is *"INSPIRE as a Framework for Cooperation"*.

The INSPIRE Conference will be organised through a series of plenary
sessions addressing common policy issues, and parallel sessions focusing
in particular on applications and implementations of SDIs, research
issues and new and evolving technologies and applications and poster

Participation in the INSPIRE Conference is open to all individuals
interested in or working in the field of SDI development and
implementation. Abstracts must be received by the deadline will be
considered for program placement under the standard review process.

Topics for which contributions are sought include, but are not limited to,

    * INSPIRE Implementation: Legislative measures, coordination and
      organisational models
    * INSPIRE and the global context: Global Monitoring for Environment
      and Security, Global Earth Observation System of Systems, United
      Nations SDI
    * Thematic communities
    * Licensing frameworks
    * GeoPortals and registries
    * Social and economic impacts
    * Education and awareness raising
    * Trans-national SDI projects (including EU (co-)funded projects)
    * New policies, new requirements, new stakeholders
    * New and Evolving tools and technologies

We are particularly interested in accounts of what works, and what does
not work, what are perceived benefits for policy, public administration,
citizens and the private sector. Proposals will be evaluated by the
programme committee and those accepted will be included in the on-line
conference proceedings.

Best Regards,

Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc