[Gfoss] INSPIRE Consultation (notizia del 22-6-2011)


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Consultation on the draft legal act on the harmonization and interoperability of environmental information (as defined in Annexes II and III of the INSPIRE Directive (2/2007))

Based on all the comments received, the INSPIRE TWGs will issue a new version of the Data Specification – Draft Guidelines, while the European Commission will prepare the amendment proposal for the Implementing Rules on interoperability of spatial data sets and services, which will be submitted for opinion to the INSPIRE Regulatory Committee in 2012.

Stakeholders are invited to comment on the following documents and files:

  • Data Specification on INSPIRE Annexes II and III – Draft Guidelines
  • Proposed updates to the Generic Conceptual Model and Encoding Guidelines
  • D2.9 Guidelines for the use of Observations & Measurements and Sensor Web Enablement-related standards in INSPIRE Annex II and III data specification development
  • In addition, for reference, the UML data models will be provided in different formats and views athttp://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/index.cfm/pageid/2/list/datamodels.

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