[Gfoss] [INSPIRE News]

Per gli interessati.

-------- Messaggio Originale --------
*INSPIRE Data Specifications Guidleines published*

The INSPIRE Thematic Working Groups, the Data Specification Drafting
Team, and the JRC INSPIRE Team have finalised the third version of Data
Specifications published as Guidelines for the spatial data themes
referred to in Annex I of the INSPIRE Directive. They will supplement
the Implementing Rule for interoperability of spatial data sets and
services and allow for preparation for implementation. Together with the
relevant materials (GML application schemas, UML models and registries),
they will support the implementation and provide a better understanding
of the requirements of the Implementing Rule.

The Draft Legislation for interoperability of spatial data sets and
services is currently being prepared by the European Commission for
submission to the INSPIRE Committee.

The guidelines and the related supporting materials are now publicly
available on the INSPIRE site.

*Call for Expression of Interest: INSPIRE Development*

A call for expressions of interest has been launched to draw up a list
of candidates (individual persons, public or private organisations,
consortia or groupings of service providers) to assist the Commission in
the context of the INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC and related implementing
rules and technical guidelines.

Service providers may be required to support the INSPIRE data
specifications development process by editing the unified modelling
language (UML) models and data specifications of the Annex I, II and III
data themes, conduct data user requirements and use case studies,
compile, and develop and document technical guidance and examples of use
for Inspire data specifications. They may also be required to support
the specification development and implementation of network services and
the Inspire geo-portal by conducting studies on architecture, spatial
data services, services invocation, services interoperability, services
harmonisation, and registries, and by developing related support
software (web-based or not). The contracting authority will invite all
the candidates on the list or some of them, selected on the basis of
objective and nondiscriminatory criteria, to submit a tender for
specific contracts.

Detailed information is available on the call site:

INSPIRE Site <http://inspire.jrc.ec.europa.eu/&gt;

Paolo Cavallini: http://www.faunalia.it/pc