[Gfoss] INSPIRE - Organisational aspects of spatial information infrastructure

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---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: “Kate Lance” <klance_remote@yahoo.com>
Data: 01/ott/2013 14:36
Oggetto: [SDI-Europe] Poland: Organisational aspects of spatial information infrastructure
A: “SDI-Europe” <sdi-europe@lists.gsdi.org>

Organisational aspects of spatial information infrastructure in Poland
Authors: Elzbieta Bielecka / Agnieszka Zwirowicz-Rutkowska
Geodesy and Cartography Vol. 62, No 1, 2013, pp. 85-95 (July 2013)
One of the more important elements of spatial information infrastructure is the organisational structure defining the obligations and dependencies between stakeholders that are responsible for the infrastructure. Many SDI practitioners and theoreticians emphasise that its influence on the success or failure of activities undertaken is significantly greater than that of technical aspects. Being aware of the role of the organisational structure in the creating, operating and maintenance of spatial information infrastructure (SII), Polish legislators placed appropriate regulations in the Spatial Information Infrastructure Act, being the transposition of the INSPIRE Directive into Polish Law.

The principal spatial information infrastructure stakeholders are discussed in the article and also the scope of cooperation between them. The tasks and relationships between stakeholders are illustrated in UML, in both the use case and the class diagram. Mentioned also are the main problems and obstructions resulting from imprecise legal regulations.

Keywords: SDI, SII, INSPIRE, organisational structure

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