[Gfoss] Job offer: Development of Web Services for modelling habitats & biodiversity

FYI - offerta di lavoro GIS FOSS al JRC di Ispra....

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gregoire Dubois <gregoire.dubois@jrc.ec.europa.eu>
Date: Fri, Jul 30, 2010 at 11:48
Subject: Job offer: Development of Web Services for modelling habitats
& biodiversity
To: Massimo Craglia <massimo.craglia@jrc.ec.europa.eu>,
lorenzino.vaccari@jrc.ec.europa.eu, Cristiano Giovando
<cristiano.giovando@jrc.ec.europa.eu>, ceri.whitmore@jrc.ec.europa.eu,

Hi everyone,

Could you please forward this job announcement to anyone you know who
might be interested?

Many thanks.


PS: sorry for double, triple posting….


The Global Environment Monitoring Unit (Ispra, Italy) of the Joint
Research Centre of the European Commission is looking for a software
developer who will work on web processing services (WPS) for modelling
habitats in protected areas and on the uncertainty propagation between
web modeling services.

The ideal candidate has a PhD in geoinformatics (or a university
degree in a related field) or at least 5 years research experience
after the university degree.

The candidate must have excellent skills in setting up OGC standard
web services using open source tools and a demonstrated experience in
geoinformatics and in setting up web mapping services.

Most developments will be made using Python, XML, PostGIS, QGIS and
any experience with these languages and tools would be an advantage.

Experience in setting up modeling services would be a strong asset.

A good knowledge of English is required. Good communication and
inter-personal skills and ability to work in a team are required.

Information on how to apply can be found at
The position falls in the category 30 (post-doc researchers)

Job reference: IES-2010-301017 (note that the announcement on the web
indicates a minimum experience of at least 4 years after university
degree while a PhD or a strict minimum of 5 years is actually

Deadline for application: 4th of August 2010

Should you have questions regarding the work to be done, please get in
touch with me.

Best regards



Grégoire Dubois (Ph.D.)

DG Joint Research Centre - European Commission

Global Environment Monitoring Unit

Monitoring Of Natural resources for DEvelopment (MONDE)

Via Fermi 2749, TP 440, I-21027 Ispra (VA), ITALY


Tel : +39 0332 786360

Fax : +39 0332-789960

Email: gregoire.dubois@jrc.ec.europa.eu

"The views expressed are purely those of the writer and may not in any
circumstances be regarded as stating an official position of the
European Commission." (Disclaimer required under the terms and
conditions of use of the internet and electronic mail from Commission