[Gfoss] new release: SpatiaLite 4.1.0 Release Candiate 1

per chi e' interessato agli ultimi sviluppi di SpatiaLite,
e' appena stata rilasciata la 4.1.0-RC1

tra le novita' piu' significative di questa release:

* supporto per i documenti XML (compresa validazione formale
   di schema tramite XSD)

* supporto specifico per i metadati ISO 19115 / INSPIRE

* supporto specifico per gli stili SLD/SE (standard OGC)

* query SQL (virtual table) sul contenuto dei documenti XML
   tramite sintassi standard XPath (standard W3C)

* un client WFS lightweight direttamente integrato in libspatialite

ciao Sandro

On Wed, 8 May 2013 16:13:11 -0700 (PDT), sandro furieri wrote:

Hi List,

I'm glad to announce you all that SpatiaLite 4.1.0 (Release Candidate
is now available for testing.


4.1.0-RC1 is intended to correspond to the final "stable" release
as much as possible; the development is definitely frozen, no new
features will be added.
I'm planning to release 4.1.0 "stable" next week. In the meanwhile
any preliminary community testing is warmly welcome and will surely


There are many new interesting features in this latest release;
many of them are strictly related to XML:
- ISO 19115 metadata / INSPIRE metadata
- SLD/SE styles
- SVG graphics
- a cool lightweight WFS client directly embedded in libspatialite

Please, read the corresponding documentation.



pre-built binaries for Windows (both 32 and 64 bit) are available
for download; the 64 bit binaries seems to finally be decently
robust and stable.


have your fun.


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