[Gfoss] Offerta di lavoro al JRC di Ispra

Buongiorno a tutti,

segnalo quest'offerta di lavoro al JRC (Joint Research Centre) di Ispra (VA).

Chi fosse interessato puo' rispondere direttamente a Roberto Boca (393 9295121, roberto.boca@ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu).



Senior Analyst Programmer specific Lot1A, durata 6 mesi circa (no rinnovo), da Novembre.
La persona deve conoscere principalmente PHP e possibilmente:
* Installing and managing the Apache web server on a Linux-based machine.
* Designing and publishing high quality and high performance dynamic web pages.
* Knowledge of the typical Open Source map server software solutions available.
* Defining and implementing XML and DTD technologies, if appropriate.
* Setting up and operating database systems (nominally PostgreSQL) as required.
* Managing documents and files susceptible to change (versioning), verifying dependencies, and keeping track of incomplete files or partial replacements.
* Interfacing and integration of each of these technologies and modules into a coherent system.
* Delivering clear documentation about the design and functioning of the system.
* Interfacing routinely with the scientists in charge of the various projects.