[Gfoss] Offerta di lavoro JRC Ispra

Buongiorno a tutti

segnalo l’offerta di lavoro presso il JRC (Joint Research Centre) di Ispra (VA) riportata qui sotto.
Le candidature vanno comunicate a Roberto Boca (roberto.boca@ext.jrc.ec.europa.eu, cell. 393 9295121).

Cordiali saluti,

Diego Magni

Caratteristiche tecniche:
· Proven experience of working with large spatial and statistical datasets
· Expert knowledge of ArcGIS
· Working experience with hydrological and/or climate data , positive assets
· Experience in web development (positive assets, non essenziale)
· Experience in modelling linkages in particular concerning hydrology, regional climate and/or macro/meta-models (positive assets, non essenziale)
· Experience or knowledge with statistical tools (Positive asset, non essenziale)
· Knowledge of programming languages such as ENVI and/or IDL and/or ERDAS and/or any equivalent(positive asset, non essenziale)

Il primo contratto sara’ di 200 gg lavorativi da realizzare presso la sede del JRC (non e’ possibile realizzare le attivita’ con telelavoro).
Stipendio molto interessante.


Buongiorno a tutti,

segnalo l’offerta di lavoro per un esperto GIS/WebGIS riportata qui sotto.
Sede di lavoro: JRC (Joint Research Centre) di Ispra (VA), durata: 7 mesi circa.

Le candidature vanno comunicate a Roberto Boca (rboca@arcadiasit.it).

In bocca al lupo.

Cordiali saluti,
Diego Magni

The Contractor(s) responsible for providing these services will have demonstrated skills and competences in the various tools required to implement the project, including:
• Development and maintenance of databases. Solid knowledge of relevant database software;
• Knowledge Geographical information systems (GIS) technics and experience in applying GIS technics incorporating diverse datasets.
• Experience to work with spatial datasets and formats (e.g., shapefiles, grid formats, Oracle Spatial, GeoJSON);
• experience in Database development and implementation with regard to web applications;
• experience in web map services and databases
Web-design and cross-browser techniques
General database design (conceptual model, physical model)

The deliverables include:

  1. Creation of data base including uploading data sets;
  2. Creation of a web platform related to such data base;
  3. Creation of maps and graphs to visualize results.
    The Technical Responsible, or his authorized representative

Buongiorno a tutti,

segnalo l’offerta di lavoro qui sotto presso il JRC (Joint Research Centre) di Ispra (VA).

Le candidature vanno comunicate il prima possibile a Roberto Boca (rboca@arcadiasit.it).

In bocca al lupo.

Cordiali saluti,
Diego Magni

  1. experience for the following skills:
    a. Software development for Web and Desktop UIs using Python: (Django or web micro-frameworks)
    b. Web-design capabilities (CSS, HTML, JQuery, gimp)
    c. Scripting programming languages (Bash, regular-expressions),
    d. Data-formats (json, xml, cvs)
    e. Software development tools (git, subversion)
    f. Web-servers administration (apache, Ngnix).
    g. Linux administration for VMs with rough management of network configuration (Debian, Gentoo, iptables, DNS)
    h. Good knowledge of oral and written English is a requirement.
  2. Advantageous but not strictly required skills are:
    a. Experience VBA and .net,
    b. Vector languages such as numpy/scipy/matlab/simulink would be.
    c. Design and manage RDBM systems (mysql, postgres, No-SQL DBs)


Knowledge a variety of programming languages and design techniques