[Gfoss] OGC al FOSS4G su WFS Simple service

Ho appena letto che OGC parteciperà al prossimo FOSS4G [1], con una
interessante presentazione:

Raj Singh, Director of Interoperability Programs at OGC, will discuss
the open source work of OGC members in the conference's demo theater.
He will also deliver a paper on "WFS Simple,"
(http://www.ogcnetwork.net/wfssimple) a candidate standard for
consideration by the OGC membership. WFS Simple is similar in many
respects to the OGC's OpenGIS Web Feature Service Interface Standard,
but it simplifies implementation by excluding certain features, and it
does not require GML as an output format. This talk will discuss how
WFS Simple could be important not only for scientific data access, but
also for mashing up Atom and GeoRSS feeds. Raj Singh will also
describe an open source Java library for building a WFS Simple service
that was prototyped in the OGC's Kentucky Landscape Census pilot

[1] http://www.opengeospatial.org/pressroom/pressreleases/902


Piergiorgio Cipriano

("perchè la terra dei cachi è la terra dei cachi ..!")